The Old Dog Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

The Old Dog

Rating: 5.0

He is old but he's happy
He cannot see and is confused
For a little while I call him
But he's happy as he lays on the bed
Sometimes, we go out weather permittng
He could go up a hill as fast as I
However, needs rest after
Then, he wakes up and whine
And then goes for a pee
I take him to mailbox to do his business
And at the end of the day, he gives me kisses
All over my body thanking me for my love

David Wood 28 May 2023

I know the feeling, I feel just like your old dog right now! !

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Nabakishore Dash 30 May 2023

True love is always rewarded in many ways. Well inked dear poet.

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Nice, LeeAnn. The old hag's love captured in so little words

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M. Asim Nehal 29 May 2023

Never out of memory. Nice poem once again.5***

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Anjandev Roy 28 May 2023

.......thanking me for my love..... significant...

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Richard Wlodarski 28 May 2023

Doggone it, I was gonna write exactly what David wrote in his comment. LeeAnn, this is such a beautiful poem that makes one feel warm all over. Great job, my friend!

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