The World We Created Poem by Theo Williams

The World We Created

Rating: 4.9

Broken bottles everywhere with plastic bags
Charred pieces of glass with boxes and fags
Ripping out plants and tearing down trees.
Is this the beautiful environment surrounding me?

Plastic in the sea choking biodiversity with terror
Oil suffocating organisms due to human error
Waste disposed in the once beautiful ocean.
Are these all acts of our human notion?

The slaughter of animals for food source and recreation
Destroying the GBR is an act of human exploitation
Chemical acidification, decreasing the sea's level of pH.
By our actions, are we not changing the environments fate?

Factories expelling yellow fumes and pollutants
Vehicle emitted gases, and plants; incongruent
Weapons of destruction, we test in vanity.
Is this what's become of our humanity?

Protesting to the government and politics
To alter our ways to good from horrific
Because if we don't heed this problem at hand
All this pollution will be the destruction of man.

Hamid Negah 30 June 2012

Excellent, I enjoyed so much.

3 1 Reply
Joe 02 May 2022


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Guess Who 30 June 2012

Nice true story poem try my Humanity Stop your Insanity

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Valerie Dohren 30 June 2012

Great poem about our environment - you may like to read mine entitled I'm Sure I Heard The Earth Cry.

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Da boi 13 September 2022

The only way I could ever find out that my mom was a man of my own and my

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Shamba Kaunda 15 July 2012

Not something most poets do...thinking about our environment and our world poem i love it.

3 1 Reply
James Barrs 13 July 2012

Much better than the last. great use of words and emotion to convey the feeling. Strong.

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Hans Vr 01 July 2012

Important message Hopefully many read it and take heed of it

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Unwritten Soul 30 June 2012

'I feel proud of you to write something that valuable to mother earth, it is a rare theme to adopt by other poets...Keep doing such a nice poem, good value to community...well this poem has it's own significant because the 'awareness' and voice of determination to care our earth and life in future generations...I will make it 10 as green poem need to stand! _Unwritten Soul'

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