Vincent Van Gogh 18 - To Coal Valley Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 18 - To Coal Valley

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For a while Vincent was so shaken up when he heard
That he was disqualified by the Evangelist Committee.
He was perplexed. What should he do next?
That's when God entered his mind to guide him.
Vincent remembered that even Jesus went through storms.
Yet, the Lord was calm. Surely, God had not forsaken him.
Someday, somewhere, he will find a way to serve God.

Good thoughts attract good luck like a magnet!

An opportunity came searching for him soon enough.
Reverend Pietersen offered him work at Borinage -
At miner's coal valley, situated south of Belgium,
A preacher was needed for the Borains of the Borinage!
Pietersen had already written to Vincent's father.
Vincent's father agreed to support his son while at the Borinage.
Vincent jumped at this unexpected turn of events.

Life chose Vincent for a new role - a preacher for the miners!

Vincent boarded the train to his new destination.
As the train neared the southern area,
He was surprised to see a group of strange hills.
There were many hills and each of them stood,
Distinctly and separately from each other.
These black hills looked like Pyramids of Eygpt.
They were ‘Terril' composed of coal and waste material.

A miner's country full of coal, dust, waste and black mountains!

Vincent was destined to do some work in the black country.
When the train stopped at Wasmes, he stepped out.
As he walked uphill into the coal valley,
He discovered that he had entered a bleak, dark valley -
A place that resembled Black Eygpt!
Even the sun was hidden by the coal smoke.
The place was deserted, no man was seen anywhere.
A woman was seen at the door of rows of red brick houses,
With a dull and weary expression on the face of a tiring life.

Vincent must bring some cheer into miner's dreary life!

When Vincent reached Petit Wasmes - the miner's village,
He was warmly greeted by Madam Denis -
Who lived in the one and only brick house in Wasmes -
The home of Jean Baptiste Denis - the baker.
As he was led through the kitchen bakery to his little room,
The aroma of fresh bread gave him a joyful feeling of welcome.
He liked Madam Denis and was all excited in this new place
He rushed out to get a glimpse of the countryside around him.

A challenge, indeed! To transform the sad expression of the miner's face and mind, into a happy one!

A Biographical Poem

Monday, July 4, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: story,artistic work,personality,miners,service,true
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends, hope you will enjoy reading these poems.

The next chapter in the eventful life of Van Gogh. Skilfully narrated by Geeta. She has been able to render the narration so beautifully that the reader is eager while waiting for the next episode

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Ramesh T A 04 July 2022

Nice narration increasing interest to read further!

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Chinedu Dike 02 August 2024

Thanks for this biography...

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 06 July 2022

I really enjoyed this poem every time I read it Bravo! ! ! !

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Vrinda 06 July 2022

To.coal valley, good poem on Van Gogh.

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Richard Wlodarski 06 July 2022

So many challenges for this brilliant, yet tortured, artist. And he conveyed them so brilliantly through his masterpieces. Like you, Geeta, through this exquisite series!

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Rajnish Manga 05 July 2022

Once again, Vincent smiled at the turn of events in his favour when he reached Borinage, a miners' enclave, South of Belgium. His conviction for change in local's life and his joy has been nicely captured.

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