Vincent Van Gogh 43 - Fierce Determination Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 43 - Fierce Determination

Rating: 5.0

As Vincent walked briskly along the streets
Of Brussels, dragging his crippled feet,
People stared at him in disbelief.
They moved out of his way, shaking their heads.
But he ignored the people looking at him,
All he wanted was to meet Pietersen, at any cost.

When Vincent arrived, he rang the bell.
Pietersen's daughter opened the door.
She was horrified to see a man standing
With mud- streaked face, filthy coat,
Torn trousers and bloody feet.
A man with such a frightening appearance!

Pietersen's daughter got so alarmed at the sight
That she screamed, ran down the hall, into the house.
Pietersen came to door and looked at the man.
At first, he could not make out the person before him.
Then suddenly, Pietersen smiled as he recognized Vincent.
He heartily welcomed and ushered him into his house

As Vincent entered Pietersen's house,
The overwhelming journey on foot
For two days at a stretch, without any food,
Hit him, as he slumped into chair to relax.
All at once, the tiredness of the eighty kilometres,
Crashed on him and he found it difficult to breathe.

Pietersen found an accommodation for Vincent
Where he could clean up and then rest.
Pietersen was kind enough to walk with him
To his friend's place who had offered a spare room.
Vincent bathed and scrubbed himself clean, then
Holding his empty stomach, went into deep sleep.

In life, it is so important to dream.
But dreams cannot be empty or void.
Your dream should have a goal, a purpose
Accompanied by tremendous, steady effort.
Vincent realized his dream was art.
He decided to pursue his art with fierce determination.

A Biographical Poem!

Saturday, November 26, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: true,life,story,artistic work,personality,perception
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments.
Chinedu Dike 05 August 2024

An inspiring story of Van Gogh's indomitable spirit is vividly portrayed in this great poem.

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Richard Wlodarski 08 February 2023

In the same manner that Vincent pursued his dream, you are pursuing yours. And we are so very grateful, Geeta!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 06 December 2022

Beautifully narrated and presented. This poem captured the wonderful attribute of a great man. Inspiring indeed. Thank you for sharing, Dr. Geeta.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 06 December 2022

Wonderful, interesting and inspiring series, Dr. Geeta. The last stanza is the heart of this poem.

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Pallab Chaudhury 28 November 2022

A beautiful biographical poem being shared.. well penned one. Congrats!

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