Vincent Van Gogh 44 - Meaningful Discussion Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 44 - Meaningful Discussion

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After a good night's rest,
Vincent went to Pietersen's house.
He was so hungry that he pounced on the food
And literally gobbled all the food laid on the table,
Most unashamedly, while Pietersen talked.
But Vincent hardly heard him, as he was ravenous.
Vincent had not eaten a proper meal for many days,
The long, arduous walk to Belgium had exhausted him.
After the satisfying meal, Vincent went into the study
With Pietersen for a long, meaning chat.

Pietersen's study was lined with many of his paintings.
Like Vincent, Pietersen had realized
That he preferred painting to preaching.
Vincent had found a perfect person
Who thought like him, with similar ideology.
They exchanged their views on art
And discussed various contemporary artistes.
Then, Vincent opened his packet and showed
His three paintings, of the miners at work,
Waiting eagerly and anxiously for Pietersen's reaction.

When Pietersen saw the paintings of Vincent,
He was aghast at the disproportionate sketches.
But Pietersen was too kind and refined.
He did not want to speak harshly or criticize Vincent's work.
After staring at the paintings for a long time, he said:
' My first impression is that you must be working
Very close to your models. Are you? '
Vincent replied: ' Yes, I have to.
Most of my work is done in the crowded miner's hut.'
'I see! ' Observed Pietersen. 'That explains your lack of perspective.'

After scrutinizing Vincent's paintings for a longer period,
Pietersen asked Vincent whether he had ever studied drawing?
Or if he took measurements before he made a drawing?
Vincent blushed and meekly replied that he never had any lessons in paintings. He just drew the image before him as he saw it.' You must learn your elementary technique first
And then your drawing will come slowly.
Let me show you what is wrong with the woman.'
Pietersen took a ruler, then proceeded to measure and draw
With proper dimension, the head, body over Vincent's painting.

For an hour he worked on reconstructing Vincent's painting.
Vincent looked at the refined woman of his painting
With perfect measurements. In fact, she almost looked beautiful!
But she was no more looking like a miner's wife
Or a woman picking up coal from the terril.
Pietersen had given her perfect proportion
But taken away her character, her real self.
Vincent brought the painting of the woman bending over the stove and placed it before the newly, refined painting of Pietersen.
Both of them stared at the two paintings in silent contemplation!

A Biographical Poem!

Vincent Van Gogh 44 - Meaningful Discussion
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: true,story,personality,perception,art,artistic work
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments.
LeeAnn Azzopardi 05 December 2022

Wonderful segment

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" Pietersen had given her perfect proportion / But taken away her character, her real self. " what a revelation. Great Geeta, really great! (Contd)

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Part 2. I remember a real life story narrated by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. His novel "Baalyakaalasakhi" was given for printing (Contd)

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Part 3. When he got it back, he was taken aback! The printer had corrected every sentence to make it grammatically correct (Contd)

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Chinedu Dike 05 August 2024

Thanks for write about this biological poem...

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Richard Wlodarski 11 March 2023

As in poetry, one can write a perfect poem. It can be short or long. Doesn't matter. What matters is that the character and essence of the poet/poetess is embodied in the poem. This is so very true of this series, my friend Geeta!

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Exactly same story with Van Gogh

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In effect, Basheer says, the soul of the story was nullified. Basheer's narration in one-word sentences, half sentences, his dialogues in monosyllables, Muslim vernacular..all these were!

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Part 4. and every dialogue, which Basheer had written in the colloquial Muslim version of speech, was corrected grammatically, to ‘printed' language full sentences. Suo motu by the printer

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