Vincent Van Gogh 49 - Theo Nurses Vincent Back To Health Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 49 - Theo Nurses Vincent Back To Health

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The presence of Theo near his bed and around him,
Bustling with activity of preparing a meal for him,
With eggs, fresh bread, butter, milk, cheese, beans
And steaming coffee lifted up Vincent's spirits tremendously.
Vincent smiled, felt happy after many unhappy months,
When the meal was ready, Theo picked up a spoon
And fed Vincent like a little child. Theo regretted that
He never knew of his brother's state of despondence.

Vincent slept peacefully after his meal, until dusk.
When he woke up, he felt rejuvenated.
He saw his brother seated by the window,
Looking carefully at all his paintings.
When Theo saw his brother awake, he jumped up.
He began to make a hot meal of steak and potatoes.
When the meal was ready, Theo had another special task
Of heating water and cleaning his brother thoroughly.

Theo washed his brother's face, neck, ears, shaved off
His beard which had spread like a wild fire on his face,
Combed his hair neatly, and put on a new shirt.
"Now, you look like a Van Gogh " exclaimed Theo, with joy.
The brothers proceeded to have a hearty meal together.
After the meal, Theo loaded Vincent's pipe with tobacco from Paris.
‘Smoke up' he said. ‘Real tobacco will do you more good than harm.'
The brothers sat together, spent the evening with calm serenity.

Here is a story of true brotherhood and pure bonding.
Theo was only twenty-three years old, but unlike Vincent,
Was a successful art dealer in Paris. He dressed well with taste.
He had inherited the broad Van Gogh forehead
With dark hair and delicate features. Most importantly,
Theo loved his brother Vincent more than anyone else in this world.
It was Vincent who had made his childhood sweet and memorable.
He realized that life without Vincent would never be a good life at all.

A Biographical Poem

Monday, January 16, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: true,story,art,artistic work,brother,brotherhood
Resuming my story of Vincent Van Gogh through poems after a month's gap. As I write my 49th poem on Vincent, I realized how much I missed Vincent. These poems are biographical poems on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments. The Borinage and his life with the miners, was a very tough period in Vincent's life. But it was also a great learning period for him. How he comes back to his passion of painting supported by his brother Theo is a wondrous story of all times. Keep reading dear friends.
Chinedu Dike 06 August 2024

An interesting story of profound brotherly love nicely depicted with clarity of thought

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Richard Wlodarski 13 March 2023

Dear Geeta, your poems about the relationship between Theo and Vincent bring tears of joy to my heart. I've been extremely fortunate in my retirement to be experiencing 'true brotherhood and pure bonding' with my youngest brother.

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Nabakishore Dash 18 January 2023

Very nicely depicted brotherhood Madam Menon.

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Aarzoo Mehek 18 January 2023

Iam catching up the story from here. Beautifully depicted love of brothers. Brilliant write poem

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 17 January 2023

Geeta, I, too, missed Vincent Bravo! ! !

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