While They're Still Babies Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

While They're Still Babies

Rating: 5.0

Just kill them when they're young;
don't let them get too big.
Then mix them in the swill
and feed them to the pig.

If I could have my choice,
I'd kill them while they're seeds.
That's just the only way
that you can deal with weeds!

While They're Still Babies
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
On 12 June 2019 I was out in my garden pulling and digging up weeds when this poem and another one came into my head. The other poem is called "Dirt is Good".

I wrote nothing down until later when I went into the house, at which time all sixteen lines were ready to be written!

I was raised on a farm, and the pigs loved one particular weed, which we called a "redroot" weed because it had a red root. So whenever we got weeds out of the garden, my dad required that particular weed to be fed to the pigs.

24 June 2019 Update: While looking for an image to add to this poem, I Googled "red root weed" and discovered that this weed is actually called the "Redroot Pigweed"! I had no idea!

(It also said they were edible for humans and quite tasty! And to think I never tried them back on the farm! But the next one I find in my garden...)
Jane Campion 22 June 2019

Fantastic! I was apprehensive until the end of your clever poem.

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Kim Barney 23 June 2019

Thank you very much, Jane! That's exactly the reaction I was hoping to get!

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Mahtab Bangalee 22 June 2019

allegorical poem! good write

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Darwin Henry Beuning 04 July 2019

Kim, I like this poem! Very informative.

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wes vogler 27 June 2019

I believe we have a little classic here .. well presented with a shocking presumption quickly laid to rest well done lad

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Darwin Henry Beuning 25 June 2019

Kim, Nice poem, great picture.

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Spock The Vegan 23 June 2019

Your title and first verse made it look like you were in favor of trimester abortions. Thank God you were only talking about weeds.

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Kim Barney 23 June 2019

Thanks for commenting. Yes, my intent was to shock the reader with that first stanza and then hopefully feel relief when they read the second one.

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Aniruddha Pathak 23 June 2019

In this age that lacks attention, if a poet can make readers to read on further, he has done a good job. And the poem succeeds in doing so eminently. Well done. But personally, weeds are weeds until their value is known. To one that does not know the value of a rare medicinal plant, it is weed.

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Kim Barney 23 June 2019

Thanks for commenting. Yes, some weeds do have nutritional or medicinal value. I know one lady (in fact, she is a member of my local poetry group) who eats many of the weeds she finds in her yard. She never uses any chemicals to spray for insects or weeds.

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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