Your Need To Let Go Poem by Lyn Paul

Your Need To Let Go

Rating: 5.0

You gave up on life
Sometime ago
Thinking that no one cared
We all change
And you changed
But still, we all still cared

We loved you then
We love you now
Just wish...
We could have helped you
Your need to let go
Breaks too many hearts
Your suffering
We could not repair

These past days
Our unbearable loss
Feels never will this heal
What were you feeling
What were you thinking
This is all to bad to be real

So we are all broken
Our scattered minds
We cannot see the light
Yet know we must
We must move on
So wrong... yet it is so right

Believing you are with us
Your hurting is no more
If time can heal
A miracle this will be
For this day
Seems will never end...

We loved you then
We still love you now
Fond memories that can only grow

We loved you then
We love you now
Today, For always.... Our Tomorrow

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Suicide
Marieta Maglas 21 November 2014

We loved you then We still love you now Fond memories that can only grow-beautiful stanza...voted 10

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Hazel Durham 23 November 2014

Outstanding write Lyn so moving and heartfelt with the pain etched into every line as you explore the question 'Why'?

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Bernard Snyder 26 November 2014

Very lovely write, Lyn! Sorry for your loss!

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Valsa George 28 November 2014

A very moving write on someone who quit life! How one hopes in vain, such people could be helped in their most trying hours and had prevented the tragedy! But they have retired from life, leaving behind a handful of sad memories!

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 28 November 2014

A very poignant write indeed on someone who having lost all hopes of life had to take extreme step..........

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Luz Hanaii 09 February 2019

Suicide is such a terrifying word of chosen finality. I can not judge those who choose this outlet, for I'm not in their skin, mind and spirit. The sad thing is that when they decide to end their pain, they end up passing it to those who love them. May they who choose to leave us in this way, Rest in Peace!

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Melvina Germain 09 October 2015

You most certainly pulled me into this poem and such pain is real for so many. The last straw when all seems absolutely hopeless and often it quite an unselfish act on the part of the sufferer as sometimes they are trying to make a better way ahead for those left behind and money is often the focus. I recall the wife of a gent took such measures when haunted by a huge bill and their was no way of paying it off, she killed herself so the money tied up in her name could be left to her husband to pay the bill. Yes that was not a cowards way out but rather a person who loved deeply and was extremely unselfish. We never understand fully the pain of others as we don't walk in their shoes. I love realistic poems and you have painted a trail of reality, thank you for your pen.....

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Geetha Jayakumar 03 January 2015

Beautiful yet sad flow of words. When no hope is left in life, a person may take extreme step. Beautiful lines... We loved you then We love you now Today, For always.... Our Tomorrow

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Chinedu Dike 10 December 2014

Suicide is the coward's way of ending whatever tribulation one is going through in life. Whatever the situation is one must learn to keep faith. Faith Keeps Those That Keep The Faith - Mother Teresa. A lovely poem, though tragic but well articulated and nicely penned. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Edward Kofi Louis 04 December 2014

Great piece of work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us. E.K.L.

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