Satish Verma

Satish Verma Poems

Turns me on
I will write a poem.

Delirious moon had

the words will be buried
in tongue like nails.

To live again, I
will not come after dying for
you. Resurrection?

the hunt begins after sunset
under cracked moon, blindfolded clouds
start visiting volitionlessly:

There was thunder in the hut
teeth clattered under the ground.
Handcuffed you walk in inequality
to qualify for hanging till dead.

Young days start with a nostalgia
for a lost freedom
Anxiety was the prime suspect.

A thirsty town fails, harvesting the moon,
and turns into a vast lake of tears.
They were fighting for their right to remain
poor and hungry. It was a fractured

A dumb copy of me.
You were done for.
Sometimes the design goes awry.

Beyond the gaze there is a time zone
of rumored agitation
when you cannot sleep.
You open your eyes quietly to complain.

Velvet thorns
become signature
of my pain and joy.

Remaining hawk
in voyage of tears, birthing
a poem.

Do not knock out the water from the eyes,
each dropp is temple
each dropp is death.

Twilight song of a cuckoo
taps the window softly.
Gothic tree and drooping sky
humble my thoughts.

When you forget to
cross the darkness, the moon
declares not to come again.

Coming out of the cemetry,
Faith, does not tell you the truth.
Becomes chaste innocence,
Of imbeciles.

What I don't see, I
see. I will go where I don't reach.
The human failing shines.

I was trying to mend
my mutilated poems without you.
Sometimes a nimble hand hurts.

In reality― you were
in a ring of fire. I had been
left with no claim on you.
Your failure had become mine.

A gasping confession
of a pubescent fault.

Why did you enter the bed

Anxiety was touching the mime
I cannot hold a reality.
We were playing with each other.

Satish Verma Biography

Satish Verma is ferociously original. You feel resentment, outrage and violence, cannot pin it down but wonderfully spin your brain. Satish has the greatest sensibility which sweetly exploits the delicacies of human conflicts. You are taken aback. This is magic, profoundly soulful. In a lone, long journey Satish Verma is still discovering himself. Beaten, betrayed, felled, he comes back with fierce velocity. His childhood was traumatized by India’s partition. Terror, violence and death were witnessed which built the morals of poet. Becoming defiantly recluse Satish Verma pursued his value based life on the path of truth. Teaching Botany for 35 years he was writing poetry, privately and solemnly and published twelve collections. Worked silently with social causes. His scions, doctors and engineers are living in USA. He chose to live back in his beloved country and resides in Ajmer (INDIA) with his spouse Kanta running the Charitable Holistic Institute of SEWA MANDIR FOUNDATION. He can also be reached at 5-A ii, Mayoor Colony, Alwar Gate, Ajmer – 305007 INDIA Mobile +91 9829071468)

The Best Poem Of Satish Verma


Turns me on
I will write a poem.

Delirious moon had
picked me up from under the skin.

The safety pin was broken,
now a crowd will disrobe me.

Everytime when my pain makes you cry
oranges are not meant for the sale.

A collegium will stich up the wound.
Once upon a caste the country will go.

• On reading Orange Crush of Simone Muench.

Satish Verma Comments

Yacov Mitchenko 25 December 2009

Satish Verma is a very interesting poet. I'm not quite sure I like the style, but it's highly provocative and original. The writer is definitely worthy of further study.

4 2 Reply
Thakker Bhupen 06 June 2011

I found 'Anniversary of Flirtation' sensational. Your poem and you are like the Colour Navy blue greeting Pink, under a Gold tree, Bhupen Thakker

5 1 Reply
Goldy Locks 15 October 2007

Satish's poems are loaded. They astound. Wrap your mind around his lines for this guy has lived intently, intensely and has much to share, teach. best care sjg -~-

4 1 Reply
Seamus O Brian 19 September 2016

Reading Mr. Verma's poetry is like chasing the siren of kaleidoscopic street fetishes, leaving you hungry to swallow mink-oiled feathers, while others charge the battlements of confused money-changers, and what you thought you grasped disappears down the tuberosity of a catfish spine.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 October 2018

On behalf all fellow poets, Poem Hunter Family and our Mahalul family a title of honour is offered to Poet Satish Verma born on 5-6-1935, as, Poetic Dignity (काव्य गौरव) . From today on-wards he will be known as Poetic Dignity Satish Verma. In Hindi he will be known as काव्य गौरव सतीश वर्मा जी. We offer this title to him due to his long perseverance in poetry writing and literature. We hope all poets and visitors will accept this.

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Part 2. Often on the verge of being enigmatic, they provoke our brain-nodes into lateral thinking. A brilliant poet himself, he does find time to read and appreciate the poems of other poets. I have often been the beneficiary of this benevolence of this great poet.

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Poet Satish Verma is endowed with excellent aesthetic and poetic talent and craftsmanship. His poems, very often, reflect the ancient Indian philosophy, but abound in original thinking. (Contd)

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Sylvia Frances Chan 18 October 2021

Congratulations being chosen as The Poet Of The Day by Poem Hunter and Team. Hoorray!

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Varanaß hi gangadhararao 11 October 2020

Truth is the essencial part of the poetry of Satish varma in every poetic line......

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Kumarmani Mahakul 23 January 2020

Satish Verma is a very nice poet and we all love him very much. I know him from long time and I have reviewed his many poems. He is definitely a very good person and his poems carry sweet essence. I offer my prayer for his goodness before God.

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