Steven SRS

Steven SRS Poems

Everyone is the same;
Everyone is unique.
Hold both these to be true,
Simultaneously mind you,

You are the Mistress of Time.
You can expand short minutes into months,
You can collapse hours into seconds.
You can make tomorrow seem as if it is here now,

I shall endure,
The long cold frozen winters of your absence.
I shall endure,
The long hot burning summers of my passion.

I believe that ultimately the paradoxes of life make fools of us all. So, if we would be wise, we should study life’s paradoxes and confront our abject foolishness head on.

I am the Jester of Joy,
A nomad of peace,
From the Land of Not.
Entertainer of souls,

I am an oxymoron
This I am genius enough to know
I am, I do, I know this is true.
I know I am, but what of you

Everyone has a different understanding
Of the color red,
Not everyone agrees upon what should be done in bed.
Everyone sees the world with a pair of eyes

…carries their own weight, pays their own fare.

…has no price, they can't be bought.

I am the Knight of Love,
The gentle Questor,
From the Land of Not.
Champion of compassion,

Existence morphs into a more perfect experience
When you are inside your lover.
Troubles vanish
Time slows down

I fell…
Many years ago
I fell…
Not sure into what I fell,

Without love,
There would be no humanity
In the human race.

A star is as a dream;
It shimmers in the distance,
Longing to be reached.

I am a nomad coming home,
A wanderer with no place lest to roam.
I am a warrior homeward bound,
An eagle coming down.

I am a pagan,
Worshiper of the false,
Believer in illusions,
Keeper of myths.



Steven SRS Biography

I grew up for the first 13 years of my life in California. When I was in kindergarten I did an oral report on gravity. I lived in Northern California until I was 10. I learned to snow ski when I was 8 on Mt Lassen. At 10 we moved to Southern California, to Lake Arrowhead. I was a boy scout. By the time I was 12, I had earned 22 merit badges and was well on my way to being a Life scout. (I would never make Eagle scout.) I loved living in Lake Arrowhead. I got to ski in the winter, and sail in the summer. At 13 My family moved to Alaska, and so I was afforded my great Alaskan adventure. After that it was California, then Michigan, then Washington D.C., and finally Atlanta GA. I was 16 when I entered Ga Tech, and I already knew how to program computers and thought I was going to study to be a Lawyer with a Civil Engineering degree. The Land of Not is my allegorical world, and there is a whole round table of Knights, not to mention serfs and pagans, and pawns and Jesters. But sometimes you end up someplace other than the place that you thought you were headed. I ended up with a degree in management and a career in information technology as an application designer/programmer/development manager. During my time a Tech I continued to grow as a poet and was for one year the editor of Tech's Art and Literary magazine; Erato. The main bulk of my poetry revolves around a collection of allegorical poems about the imaginary world called the Land of Not. I hope you enjoy the poems about this place and the characters in it. Let me know if you identify with any of, won't you please.)

The Best Poem Of Steven SRS

Everyone Is The Same

Everyone is the same;
Everyone is unique.
Hold both these to be true,
Simultaneously mind you,
And you'll have humanity understood.

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