Vijay Sai R

Vijay Sai R Poems

God's creation
Blessed to be born in this world
We all may feel that's the truth
Until I read this-

The sun
Though sets today,
Will certainly rise tomorrow,
Every opportunity,

Beautiful Bougainvilleas
Blooming all over
Throughout my garden
In vivid white

Every evening
When the sun is setting deep
When the cloud is turning from
Bizarre blue to orange red

Men in women
Though inseparable
And gender discrepancy
Many people protest

I woke, I woke, with moist eyes,
Oh! I don’t know
that would be my last awakening!
I found myself

Misty clouds
Sneaking through
Mystery mountains
Faint drizzles

Another day
Another disappointment
Haplessly dethroned
Helplessly ignored

Second by second minute ends
Minute by minute hour ends
Hour by hour day ends
Day by day week ends

Agile ants building colonies
Busy bees buzzing honey hives
Beetle bugs grinding green leaves
Brown butterflies feasting on flowers

Moonlit waterfall
In an orange orchard-
Though a slim stream now,
Your beauty is still flowing freely!

I was rear, and by the window
She was front, and by the aisle
I saw her reflection
Her face was moonlit


You came, You conquered,
You took us by surprise,
We depend on you,
We live by your side,

Around the atlas
I wandered
Indulging in my quest for beauty
Soulful sunrise…

As beautiful as a butterfly,
As busy as a bee,
As cheerful as a singing bird,
We were all these till this day,

is a mirror image
of one's own self-
a true reflection

Wheat in water
Soaked for eight hours
Water drained
Grind to paste

Eerie silence everywhere
As my clock strikes its gong
Twelve sweet chimes
Haunts my living room

Vijay Sai R Biography

First and foremost I am ever indebted to my beloved parents, without whom I am no more to explore the world through my words. Being a college teacher, I am proud to dedicate my poems to all my beloved students who are everything to me throughout my life. Though I am not a serious poetry writer, I fancy end up writing poetical verses every-time I sit to pen my thoughts. Amazingly artistic to explore, they appear to be not mere wedding of words, but a portrait of pictures presented in pomp and pageantry, expressing thoughts and emotions such as happiness, horror, pleasure, pain, grief, affection and love. Have an enjoyable reading and wish you all a healthy, wealthy and successful living! Affectionately yours Vijay Sai)

The Best Poem Of Vijay Sai R

A Desperate Cry

God's creation
Blessed to be born in this world
We all may feel that's the truth
Until I read this-
An abandoned baby
Malnourished, hardly an year old
Famine struck
Skin and bone
No food to feed
No water to have
Stranded alone in barren land
Helpless eyes staring straight
Standing legs more like a bamboo stick
Cerebral neurons popping out
Veins struggling to carry weak blood
Oh God! Nothing more I can add…
My heart is not strong enough
To read the rest-
A vampire vulture
Sitting beside and
Looking eager to end its hunger!
I pray! Save these innocents!
Let this never happen again!

Vijay Sai R Comments

Pankaj Prasoon 23 May 2013

A nice poem but ir should have been a bit longer..

6 3 Reply
Biju Kp 23 June 2010

Your Poem 'A desperate Cry' is so nice.. A real vision towards life which normally ignoring the people...

8 0 Reply
Khilil Perry 06 July 2009

I like poem i think they are cool you should write a book.

5 2 Reply
James Andrews 21 September 2013

Like it a lot. I can taste it.

5 2 Reply
Geetha Jayakumar 30 December 2013

Poet Vijay Sai, One of the talented and gifted poet. It really a valuable gift you are blessed with. His poems flows freely on different topics, And are very pleasant to read. Thank you for many beautiful comments for my poems. May you keep on contributing valuable poems to the world of poems. Wishing you all the best God Bless you!

5 2 Reply
Pam French 29 March 2020

Heartened by your 'The sun though sets today...' in these trouble times

3 0 Reply
Rachel Adams 14 June 2014

The contrast between the beauty and the horror of nature is powerful

8 0 Reply
Rishad Mk 04 June 2014

excellent poems! . your poems are highly inspirational to me.I have'nt english writing skill just like i decided to write poetry just like you.

5 2 Reply
Richard Beevor 02 June 2014

Excellent poem on the new easy way to power our planet.

4 2 Reply
Richard Beevor 02 June 2014

Brilliant a poem and a recipe, making me very hungry, great idea.

4 2 Reply

Vijay Sai R Quotes

Targets are always distant dreams, until you pursue them

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