Best Poets of Classics

One Sail stands for my Chinese name given to me by my parents. Yi Fan. I am not very legible in reading or writing the mandarin dialect. I am American Taiwanese, I write poetry and stories. At times I do photography, however nothing that professional. I plan on finishing my first novel of my series called Shadows of God within my spare time.

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I'll just keep dreaming until it ends and wake up seeing it become a reality...

I believe through poetry. People can connect and are able to break barriers of all sorts.

I feel that poetry helps most people throughout history to live through the times. Rough or not poetry is the root of many other art forms.

Whether the person is a poet or not.
They can always benefit somehow by writing poetry for their own sake as well.

As an artist I try to work towards a better tomorrow.
A better future for the mankind of the present time.
The total existence of the world.
So that what I do as a artist will help inspire people to do what they think they must do to help the world or to just enjoy it.

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