01and The Moon And The Stars And The World Poem by john tiong chunghoo

01and The Moon And The Stars And The World

Rating: 3.5

long walk at night
the breeze freezes my spirit
the moon warms it up
pulling at my poetic soul
the crickets sing their poems to the night
a million other insects contribute their share
to loosen up the night
for lovers, husbands and wives
while a tide of words too
creeps in all directions in my mental sphere
saturates the poetic bar of the intellect
waiting to be strummed into verses
the rhythm swims along with them
as i write out verse by verse
the moon my friend shares its light
the night wind inspires
lovelorn stars wave all the way
a million light years away
heralding the birth of a song
sparkling, twinkling
guided by intricate orchestration of the night
before gracing the written page
long walk in the night
even the insects with the lamps
start to lend me their lights
between the twinke of the stars
they dance, sing, beat out a dance

01and The Moon And The Stars And The World
Monday, April 18, 2005
Topic(s) of this poem: nature,nature walks
Dr Antony Theodore 27 March 2016

before gracing the written page long walk in the night even the insects with the lamps start to lend me their lights between the twinke of the stars they dance, sing, beat out a dance breeze, love lorn stars, the moon, dance, music, poetic soul. so many points are expressed in this beautiful poem. like it very much dear poet. thank you. tony

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Roseann Shawiak 18 December 2014

Really fantastic imagery, John! Your poetic soul transcends time and space, placing the beauty of this poem amid the divine. Very well written, beautifully held rhythm, I love this poem. Thank you so much for sharing it. RoseAnn

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Simone Inez Harriman 29 October 2015

John, your poem holds so much beauty. The images brought me right there sharing your walk in paradise. Much enjoyed.

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Scarborough Gypsy 18 April 2005

John, This is really beautiful. I have not enjoyed reading a poem so much in a long time. This will go into my favorites. It's just so lovely and I had expected to read a haiku. This was such a lovely surprise to my evening. Thank you so much. Kind regards Gypsy It was the title that made me look at it.

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Andrea Szyhowski 23 May 2006

The only word that can to my mind was WOW!

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Bhagabat Prasad Hotta 07 May 2019

" Long walks at night the breezes freezes my spirit" beautiful lines.so beautiful poem 100+++++++++

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Akhtar Jawad 07 June 2018

even the insects with the lamps start to lend me their lights between the twinke of the stars they dance, sing, beat out a dance beautiful lines.

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Dfjgg 29 May 2018


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Tom Allport 19 June 2017

a wonderful poem of being inspired by the light of the mood and stars shining bright? .............well written.

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Edward Kofi Louis 29 March 2016

Verse by verse! With the muse of life. Thanks for sharing.

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john tiong chunghoo

john tiong chunghoo

Sibu, Sarawak, Borneo East Malaysia
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