I might be a great Communicator
But without Love I am just a big noise
I might be a cutting edge Scientist
But without Love I am just a big bang
I might be a very religious man
But without Love I am a hypocrite
I might be a well known philanthropist
But without Love it amounts to nothing
I might become a 'Martyr for the Cause'
But without Love I have wasted my Life.
Love is patient and Love is kind
Love is never jealous or proud
Love is never selfish or rude
Love is unhappy with badness
Love is happy with godliness
Love is displeased with conceit
Love is pleased with humility
Love keeps no record of mistakes
Love keeps a record of nice things
Love never fails - it is eternal.
This poem is based on an extract from a letter written by the Christian Philosopher Paul of Tarsus - in AD 52 - to the Christian Community in Corinth; a Greek city and capital of the Roman Province of Achaia.
(John Knight - Snowy Colchester - 12 February 2010)
love is unbelievable if u don't believe in it love is not sincere if u are not honest love is enjoyable if u know how to appreciate it love is just within us if we know how to interpret it....owwwwwwwwwwwwwww....happy valentine.....
It's a wonderful poem.I loved this stanza.Indeed you've expressed good thoughts. Love is patient and Love is kind Love is never jealous or proud Love is never selfish or rude Love is unhappy with badness Love is happy with godliness Love is displeased with conceit Love is pleased with humility Love keeps no record of mistakes Love keeps a record of nice things Love never fails - it is eternal.
That's my last Duchess painted on the wall.....Remember Robert Browning writing this prose? Well, i wish he could read this poem of yours.....You are so positive of love my dear.It is so wonderful...yes...love should be like that.....Without doubt
'But without Love I have wasted my Life.' Rachel Ann Butler
‘Love keeps no record of mistakes’ Sir a beautiful concept…do you mean forgiveness? This poem is like a poetic potion …to generate love, mature love and make love immortal [mundane love is not so immortal always] ‘Love never fails - it is eternal.’ Finish is eternal to me… 10+ Ms. Nivedita UK
Great true poem! May you share the love from your heart forever, dear John Knight!
My dearest John, once again this is wonderful poem I like this one 'i might be very religious man but without love i'm a hypocrite'. Know what, you keep me inspiring to continue writing.
My dearest John, once again this is wonderful poem I like this one 'i might be very religious man but without love i'm a hypocrite'. Know what, you keep me inspiring to continue writing.
I wonder how many will read the marvelous words of St. Paul on which this poem is based. This and the words 'The spirit of the law gives life, while the letter of the law destroys' are among my favorites in all of literature.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Hi John, this poem is really great, awesome! ! ! Love is patient and kind- love is never jealous or proud -love is never rude and selfish What a good description for what love is- love is the thing that is beautiful when we're happy ! ! !