A Chat With My Poetry Muse Poem by Kim Barney

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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A Chat With My Poetry Muse

Rating: 5.0

The other day I had a little chat
with my Poetry Muse. I just call him
P. M. for short, though he's not short at all

'P. M., ' I said, 'Why can't I write any
new poems? Why don't you inspire
me anymore? '

'Oh, ' he said, 'Don't worry about that.
There are no new poems to write.
All of the good poems have been written.'

'That can't be true, ' I said. 'Just look at all
the poems that are posted every day
on Poem Hunter. Hundreds of them! '

'Look at (Name Withheld) , ' I continued.
'He has posted over ten thousand
poems all by himself! '

'Yes, and all of them together are not
worth as much as a pile of buffalo chips!
As I said, there are no more GOOD poems! '

'At least with buffalo chips, you can build
a fire! All of his poems are electronic,
so you can't even build a fire with them! '

'The trouble with N. W., ' he continued,
is that he tries to write poems in English,
and English is not his native language! '

'To him they must make perfect sense,
but to English speakers they are gibberish,
just like your feeble attempts in Portuguese! '

'Hey! ' I protested. 'I thought my Portuguese
poems were really quite good! '
'My point exactly, ' he retorted.

'Give it up, Old Man, ' said P. M.
'You can struggle all through the night,
But there are no poems left to write! '

A Chat With My Poetry Muse
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
In the picture is my REAL poetry muse, Wes Vogler. Wes has not posted anything new on Poem Hunter for more than a month, but I discovered that he is still posting on AllPoetry.com. I guess he got fed up with all the problems here on Poem Hunter. Who can blame him? This poem was posted on Poem Hunter the first time 10 December 2017, deactivated and later deleted when I discovered that they had added an annoying soundtrack. Re-posted 3 Oct 2018, later deactivated again when a new soundtrack appeared. This posting 29 July 2020.
Bill Cantrell 29 July 2020

Now this is the Kim Barney that I admire, a wounerful muse in the third person, this is proof that there are still good poems left, I usually get to 200 then start deleting many, I do have some regrets doing that as they are lost but if I wrote 10000 then your muse would every right to throw buffalo chips at me, I love this poem!

17 0 Reply
Kim Barney 13 March 2022

Thank you, Bill, for the comment. Next time, before you delete, print a hard paper of the poem and put it in a 3-ring binder. That way you will always have it.

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Bharati Nayak 09 March 2023

A very beautiful write Poetic inspiration.I also very often wonder how people write thousands of poems while I struggle to write a poem for months.Some are very inspired while people like me wait for the inspiration to come.

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Kim Barney 20 May 2024

Bharati, the poems you write after waiting for your inspiration are so much better than the tripe that N.W. writes! Thanks for your comment.

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Belle Wassermeister 09 March 2023

A wonderful conversation with your muse. Brilliantly presented. To my favorites!

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Varsha M 10 August 2020

Very well written. Amazed at the poetic flow of the dialogue as it wove the story whole. Beautiful.

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Kim Barney 28 August 2022

Varsha, thank you very much.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 30 July 2020

Kim, Very nice! I hope Wes comes back to Poem Hunter! Daily, I review many poem, now and then I find a GEM.

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Kim Barney 28 August 2022

Gems are few and far between, Hank. Next one you find, please share it with me. Thanks for commenting.

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Susan Williams 29 July 2020

That was interesting- my comment was posted while I was still writing it. This is a new PH error. Anyway, I chuckled and chortled till I counted to 10+++++++++++

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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