An awkward dream, I dreamt
We all had a beautiful tail
That revealed the truth
It amazed and marveled I
If said something which was a lie
It flickered with shy
Fearlessly said the truth
It went up to the head high
If feared with their wives
Or criminals or thieves
Tail was ‘tween the thigh.
(Women were untouched with the new sprout)
Women sat basking into the sun
Knitting, gossiping merely for fun
Kids played, quarreled and run
Colorful tail cap with proud
A hope to wrap vice with shroud
Suddenly heard a shout and tail
Went ‘tween the thigh with face pale
I Jumped out of bed with color fade
Bahar asked, dreamt awkward, plz tell
I laughed it off and nodded, No
My hand went back in search
Nothing could I find and then perched
Into the dream world to make it true
a tail in men nice dream and awakward dream...a fight against lies.. nice one.
The intent nof this art is wonderful and mind capturing Yet the sway in the work needs to be address to bring out its fullness
The world of dreams can be very intrinsic sometimes. It is up to us to sort them out and put them in the right perspective. Good.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Hmm as u say it was quirky, but d poem funtastic'. Perhaps springing frm d human embryo tails.