Ayyappan 20 - The Eighteen Holy Steps To The Sanctum Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Ayyappan 20 - The Eighteen Holy Steps To The Sanctum

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The ultimate climb,
Through the eighteen holy steps,
To the sanctum sanctorum of
The Sabarimala temple is
The ‘Pathinettampadi' -
That gives the vision of Lord Ayyappan!

These steps have a deep meaning.
The holy steps represent
The eighteen ‘Puranas'.
They also represent
The ten ‘Indriyas'-
The Senses and the Sense Organs.

The ‘Jnanendriyas' are the five sense organs
Of sound, sight, smell, taste and touch.
The ‘Karmendriyas' are the five Motor organs
Of the hands, legs, mouth, excretion and reproduction,
‘Manas' or the mind is a step
Of great significance.

Two steps are for two ‘Klesas'
Or afflictions of the mind.
Two steps are for ‘Raga' & ‘Dvesa'
Or the emotions of attraction and repulsion.
Three more steps represent the three ‘Gunas'
‘Sattwa' or illumination, ‘Rajas' or energy, ‘Tamas' or darkness!

The last two steps are ‘Avidya' or ignorance
And ‘Vidya' or Knowledge.
That completes the eighteen holy steps.
A pilgrimage to Sabarimala temple
Represents the quest of the human soul
For the union with the Supreme God.

The philosophy and truth of Ayyappan worship
Is that it stands for ‘Sanatana dharma'-
To lead a noble, sublime anda wonderful way of life.
My recital of ‘Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa'
Is a symbol of Oneness of humanity and humaneness,
A synthesis of love, compassion and devotion.

Ayyappan 20 - The Eighteen Holy Steps To The Sanctum
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: devotion,god,legend,dance
With this 20th poem, I conclude the Series on the Story of Sri Ayyappan and my choreography in Dance entitled " Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa". Just as I enjoyed performing this story in Mohiniattam style over the years, I sincerely hope, my PH friends enjoyed reading this story of Sri Ayyappan.

All the poems were written in simple Prose format.

It is a sort of a biography cum performance that highlights the popular story of Sri Ayyappan. It is also my personal experience as a dancer.

Most of these poems are an extract from my book "Mohiniattam -The Dance of the Enchantress"-Part 2 -The Choreographies entitled "Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa".

Changes have been made from the original to suit the poetic structure.

The most significant point made through these poems, is that all men are equal. The man-made distinctions of rich-poor, high-low, healthy-sick, white-black, caste-creed, and so on, differences made by man has to be eliminated. Only through a pure mind can you seek God.

Photo of the 18 holy steps to the temple of Sabarimala is from the
Kostas Lagos 09 April 2019

You make us dance with your poems!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 April 2019

A.wonderful poem and a wonderful dance. Both are marvelous arts.that vividly portray love, devotion and compassion Seems to me that the dance is beautiful yet complicated. Only a great dancer like the Poetess could deliver such amazing dance. A fascinating poem. Very informative.

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Julia Luber 15 April 2019

Dr. Geeta expounds on the Sarabimala ascendency- making us know though that there is much detail we know nothing of.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 April 2019

I came to know that this poem has been taken from your book " Mohiniattam -The Dance of the Enchantress" -Part 2 -The Choreographies entitled " Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa" . It is really a beautiful devotional poem relating to dance that says much about Sattwa' or illumination, ‘Rajas' or energy, ‘Tamas' or darkness! This poem reveals oneness of humanity, humaneness, and synthesis of love, compassion and devotion. Brilliant work.

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Rajnish Manga 10 April 2019

(2) Thanks also for your Notes. In the end, many many thanks, Geeta ji, for such an exhilarating and enriching journey through the realms of mythology, spirituality, philosophy, faith and Classical Dance Form of Mohiniattam through this series.

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Rajnish Manga 10 April 2019

The truth of Ayyappan worship for all mortals is 'To lead a noble, sublime anda wonderful way of life' and to achieve salvation after this life. The detailed description and significance of each of the eighteen steps to the Sanctum of the Sabarimala temple brings great joy to the mind and soul of a reader.

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M Asim Nehal 10 April 2019

As I read the entire 20 poems at one stretch, It not only enlightened me with the faith of devotees but also the form of your dances. You did a wonderful job by bringing it to the notice of the PH readers and I am sure those who will read your poems will appreciate and respect you as a good human soul, God Bless You Geetaji......

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