Be Still My Love Poem by Valerie Dohren

Be Still My Love

Rating: 4.8

I saw your tears in dawn’s soft light
As close beside you then I lay
Within my arms I held you tight
To ease you through another day

The smile that once lit up your face
Became a distant memory -
Oh you I never could replace
You’ll always be the world to me

Another day, another time
The sun will shine forever long
Across celestial realms sublime
When we will sing a sweeter song

Be still, my love, don’t weep, don’t weep
It’s time, my love, to sleep, to sleep

I wrote this poem around the time of my husband's death and in the turmoil, forgot to post it.
Dee Corpolongo 20 October 2013

This is so beautiful, Val, a sonnet written with such love....and heart filled sadness that leaves you feeling so alone.... I pray this gets bearable for you, and soon you realize it is only a temporary separation..... and.this is a beautiful dedication.{{{hugs}}}

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 21 October 2013

Oh no dis is such a sadening dirge like poem, must hav been hard writin it, how d ink must hav combined with tears here. But its a commendable peaceful drifting poem to a dying belovd! Pls do chk out my latest on d statue of lib... Warm regards.

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Marvin Brato 21 October 2013

True love soothes the broken heart of loved cares to inspire!

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Unwritten Soul 21 October 2013

Your beautiful words always playing a heartfelt emotion in everybody..loved it_Soul

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Godfrey Morris 22 October 2013

This is a wonderful poem, I especially like the last two lines.

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A sweet sad song of separation that is loaded with love and loss!

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Sofia Kioroglou 04 February 2016

Lovely poem! Full of love and emotion.

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Joe Hughes 30 December 2015

Romantic, comforting and leaking love

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Amitava Sur 14 April 2014

It is so endearing for the beloved that words cannot explain, ...... very nice

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Ken E Hall 10 November 2013

Beautiful title as the tide of feelings expressed at a heart wreching time so goes on... 'we'll meet again' fills the poem...regards

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