A Dream Poem by Valerie Dohren

A Dream

Rating: 4.8

Today I slipped into a dream
And saw a better world
A world of peace and gentleness
Before my eyes unfurled

And in my fantasy beheld
A vision of mankind
All set beneath a bow of fire
In glory full enshrined

His voice was singing so in tune
With all that was around
That such a heav`nly melody
Did o`er the earth resound

And all the hands that owned contempt
Were clasped together tight
To form a ring of unity -
`Twas such a splendid sight

Then all the eyes that never saw
How wondrous life could be
So glinted through the bow of fire -
It surely dazzled me

For all humanity became
As just one beating heart
Together joined in harmony
Thus no more set apart

At night he gazed upon the stars
By day towards the sun
To mingle with the fruitful earth
With all he was at one

Then all the trees bowed down in awe
All creatures danced and played
All flowers spread their petals wide
As `neath the sun they swayed

(But this was just a wistful dream
One that may never be
A vision in a saddened heart -
`Twas just a fantasy)

Today I slipped into a dream
And saw a better world
Where sixteen billion gemstones flashed
Which in her hair were purled

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: fantasy
Karen Sinclair 21 August 2012

Just purely beautiful... im so glad i picked another one of yours to read as i needed cheering up......ty so much karen

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Udaya R. Tennakoon 28 August 2012

Very nicely weaved. wish you the best Udaya. See my poetry and comment

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Kevin East 04 October 2012

I love it! Well written..Kevin.

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Lyn Paul 05 December 2012

Am amazing dream Valerie, you have so much feeling. This time of year too is meant to be the happiest yet really... it is probably the saddest. Thank You x

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Chandra Thiagarajan 08 December 2012

A magnificent Dream which made me really emotional. The lines For all humanity became As just one beating heart Together joined in harmony Thus no more to set apart are such golden words which sing a symphony in my ears and are ever echoing! A fantastic noble dream-I wish with all my heart it turns true!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 23 May 2020

A world of peace and gentleness comes before your eyes in dream and turns into paradise of reality. Each of us should see such dream to motivate lives in reality of peaceful and lovable world. All creatures dance and play here. All flowers bloom beautifully. Nature is graceful. An excellent dream poem is nicely penned...10

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Chinedu Dike 20 February 2015

I love the flow of the beautiful narrative poem. A subtly penned and nicely encapsulated train of thoughts depicting the unveiling of Paradise on the occasion of Coming Of The Lord. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem THE PHOENIX STRANGLER.

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Bhargabi Dei Mahakul 17 November 2014

Beautiful dream poem shared on. Nice way of seeing better world. Excellent job done and shared on. Excellent work.

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Anthony Burkett 26 January 2014

It is impossible to fully comprehend the extent of the elegance of your pen... so many facets...such beauty, such grace and poise... I bow to you dear poet... in awe.

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Kanav Justa 05 November 2013

This is really beautiful... thats the kind of poems that you are searching for reading....liked it

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