Chemical Bonding Poem by Vishal Sharma

Chemical Bonding

Rating: 3.9

Do you know the electrovalent and covalent bond?
they are a far different from the fictious james bond
they play a major role in providing the existance to the molecules
and simpily follow the basic rule of drawing the structures
they are deeply drawn into my soul of learning chemistry
the lewis structure and the octet rule are simple to follow
they give us the insight to peep through the world of chemicals
and we simpily denote them with clear cut diagrams
afterwards, there comes hybridisation and dipole moment
so beautifully written to grasp all the contents
we are familiar with the world of knowledge of liquid
and, thus the true science lies beyond the spiritual eyes,
make yourself a self trusting and be the lagend
and, henceforth, a greater way for learning science
has its door opened for the mighty brains.

Anamika Jalan 07 July 2013

nicely descripted a handsome write love the poem

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Survi Sharma 07 July 2013

bonding people to your poem nice lines

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Abhishek Mishra 07 July 2013

Your chemistry with poetry is superb; -) you are exceptionally brilliant..keep writing: -)

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Unwritten Soul 07 July 2013

Just like electro-valence it has to accept or donor the become octet or duplet...thats how love is, to give or to accept..and both will become completed, as one ionic bond is stronger than any bond...more than van der walls bonding! _SOul

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Khairul Ahsan 07 July 2013

Though I am far from understanding Chemistry, I loved the poem and appreciate your efforts to make Chemistry look simpler to us.

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The chemical bonding is not just about chemistry and chemicals. Just take one step forward and we will understand that it forms the basis of existence and evolution of all life forms on earth, including man. Our body, from cell to cell, gene to gene, molecules to molecules..

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Kumarmani Mahakul 31 October 2015

make yourself a self trusting and be the lagend and, henceforth, a greater way for learning science has its door opened for the mighty brains.......well said. An intensive poem I like it very much. Thanks for sharing....10

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Jeremy Horsford 17 October 2015

Very interesting mix.

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Kelly Kurt 02 April 2015

The sciences and poetry are my passion I often mix the too. Well done

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Abubakar Abdulkadir 09 July 2013

Thats a nice one. I lyk the combination of chemisty with reality in nice dictions. Amazing... Chemical poet

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