Da Vinci Painting The Mona Lisa Poem by Chuck Audette

Da Vinci Painting The Mona Lisa

Rating: 5.0

he paints on all her clothes,
for she had none all the while -
as in the nude she really posed,
wearing just her smile!

[for Anna Russell,
as my reply to her comment at 'The Scream (explained) ' ]
(taken with minor alterations (excuse the pun) from 'Well-dressed')
Happy 500th Birthday, La Gioconda!

Cj Heck 23 February 2006

Excellent! I loved it! I always wondered about that little smile of hers... now I can imagine why it looks so ornery! Warmest regards and respect, CJ

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A. Michael Sears 23 February 2006

Mr. Audette, Beautiful, simple, and provocative poem. I love it.

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Anna Russell 24 February 2006

Fan-bloody-tastic! Short and sweet - definitely clears up one of lifes great mysteries.10, naturally. Now, for your next assignment: who killed JFK, did they really land on the moon, who was Jack the Ripper, oh, and, does God exist? Shouldn't take you long! Thanks for the great big smile on my face. Big hugs Anna xxx

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Esther Leclerc 24 February 2006

Gooood one, Chuck - another painting I'll never look at the same way again! (I just knew that little smile was hiding the naked truth...!)

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Lea Simpson 26 February 2006

Hehe, love it Chuck. Bravo.

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Barry A. Lanier 14 August 2008

Now thats good stuff.....kinda reminds me of one I wrote, , , the 'Preachers Message'-a mind is a terrible thing to waste

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Barry Van Allen 18 April 2007

Chuck, It is good to have an active ' fantasy life ', ... as long as you know the difference. B.V.A.

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Someone Else 14 April 2007

Did you happen to see the movie Mona Lisa Smile? Imposing. You might like it.

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R H 15 April 2006

Provocative in all it's simplicity, another wonderful observation, I think you have a point! I applaud you on this one. Still smiling :) Justine

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Dan Tharp 06 March 2006

yep... I like your poetry. =) dan

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Chuck Audette

Chuck Audette

Poetry Hell, Vermont
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