Deadly Twenty-Seven Poem by Belle Wassermeister

Deadly Twenty-Seven

Rating: 5.0

Twenty-seven seems to be
a deadly age for musicians,
and those who hang around them.

Jim Morrison, lead singer
of The Doors, was found dead
at age twenty-seven in the bathtub
at his girlfriend's apartment
in Paris in 1971.

Official cause of death was listed
as heart failure, though no autopsy
was done. It was not required
by French law.

People who claimed to have been
there said he died of an overdose
of heroin.

His death was exactly two years
after the death of Brian Jones,
guitarist for the Rolling Stones.

It was also approximately nine months
after the deaths of Janis Joplin
and Jimi Hendrix. Jones, Joplin
and Hendrix all died at twenty-seven.

Interestingly, three years after Morrison's
death, his girlfriend Pamela Courson
also died at the age of twenty-seven.

Deadly Twenty-Seven
Inspired by Darwin Henry "Hank" Beuning's poem, "Too Soon". Thank you, Hank, for the inspiration! More facts: Brian Jones drowned in his swimming pool. Authorities called it "death by misadventure." In 2009 the Sussex police reopened the investigation after eyewitnesses reported that the founder of the Rolling Stones had in fact been drowned by his live-in carpenter, Frank Thorogood. Joplin died of an accidental heroin overdose in 1970. Hendrix died after taking 9 sleeping pills. Accidental? Probably not. Courson also died of a heroin overdose.
Varsha M 15 February 2021

Oh you captured all in one. Its sad to see them all die at 27.

4 0 Reply
Deluke Muwanigwa 15 February 2021

I am glad poets are not included and i am turning fifty seven. Good observation of mysterious numbers.Rhythm of the mus?

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 16 February 2021

A very astute observation. Very informative. Life seems so short to those who engage in prohibited drugs.

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Unnikrishnan E S 26 December 2021

Wonderful coincidences? Or is it His Unwritten Law.

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Captain Cur 12 March 2021

They all lived fast and loose maybe that helped their creative genius, however, look at the price they paid.

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Kim Barney 17 February 2021

Belle, Welcome back! You have been missing a long time! This is very informative and interesting.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 16 February 2021

Belle, Very interesting! ! to My Poem List. 5 Stars

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Kolette Montague 08 February 2022

You were the inspiration, Hank. XOXOXO

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Kostas Lagos 16 February 2021

As if there was a curse upon them

3 0 Reply
Belle Wassermeister

Belle Wassermeister

Gleichen, Alberta, Canada
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