Departing Note By The Soul ~ Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Departing Note By The Soul ~

Rating: 5.0

I'm not sure when I entered you.
I'm not sure when or how you accepted me,
but one thing is certain: we became inseparable,
indispensable, and necessary to life.

Now that you are old and frail, I am still young.
I reserve the right to leave you at any time.
Should you be ready?

I cannot accompany you on your final journey back to the dust.
A journey that you must undertake entirely on your own.

People will come to see you off,
but no one will stay with you to talk.

They will respect you, remember you,
but they will never be your friend.

We lived together, but you will die alone,
we shared good and bad days together,
but this togetherness will not last forever.

All of your accounts will be displayed before you,
when the time comes, you will see that we will meet
one last time when I will enter you on the command of the Almighty.

Until then, take good rest inside your grave
and taste the good or bad, everything will be paid in full.

No references will be accepted,
and no preferences will be respected.

I kept reminding you what is right and what is wrong
The outcome will be known as soon as you reach your grave.

So enjoy the fruits of your own labour.
I wish you a happy journey all by yourself from now on,
and until we meet again,

Just lay down quietly and watch the scenes of your life.....
Best wishes on your journey.

Saturday, March 25, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophical
This is the soul's imaginary farewell note to the body, where it has resided for many years.
Thomas Case 26 March 2023


3 0 Reply
Tihama Hykam 25 March 2023

Great write, Yes Soul will leave a note something like this. I would add some emotional part as well.

1 1 Reply
Darren Jkoeryo 25 March 2023

Powerful line: No references will be accepted, and no preferences will be respected.

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Juhaina Tumlu 25 March 2023

Now that you are old and frail, I am still young. I reserve the right to leave you at any time. Should you be ready?

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 26 March 2023

Well-said my friend Asim

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Pallavi Tripathi 27 March 2023

Loved it! Unlike Dante we all have to make that journey alone at some point.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 26 March 2023

Top marks for this highly philosophical poem. And to my favourite. Thank you so much Asim ji

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 26 March 2023

Each individual is governed by his own 'the Karma'! No one waits for anyone. The journey is always alone.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 26 March 2023

A powerful poem, dear Asim ji with profound insight and depth.'No references will be accepted, and no preferences will be respected'.

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Nabakishore Dash 26 March 2023

We enjoy the fruits of our own labour.Exactly right dear poet

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