Early Morning Walk... Poem by Patricia Gale

Early Morning Walk...

Rating: 5.0

Opening the door
Early in the morn’ a cold blast greets me
Sending shivers coursing through my soul
My hands grasp the jacket near by
And I stroll out into the blustering wind
Cold northern breezes brush against my cheeks
And my bones cry out for warmth

Looking upon the sky I marvel
The stars twinkling and the moon shines in her glory
Stooping down I admire the blue belles and lilies
Gently touching their soft picturesque colors
A deep heart felt sigh and I pray they will make it
The maple blossoms blow all around
And the robin's song is silent

The stillness is almost haunting
as fingers of green buds extend from dark arms
Swaying with a fast motion for warmth
They seem to whisper were has the season gone
Why did you come and then leave so quickly?
Droplets of last nights rain fall upon my head
Tears for the deception of spring

David Taylor 04 April 2007

I really get that chilling slightly haunting feeling that comes with a dark early morning wind. Very Evocative, thank you Patricia. Love from David.

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A blinder in the last line of each of these stanzas. As David says, haunting... deeply atmospheric. Grand work. t x

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Original Unknown Girl 04 April 2007

Patricia, this is such a lovely write. You totally brought to life that walk, love how you brought the whole landscape to my desk, just lovely. HG: -) xx

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Charles M Moore 06 April 2007

Nice peice of work, Has a gentle softness about it.

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Paul Butters 12 May 2007

This is sadly ironic. You soak in the spring and indeed nature in spite of your recent loss. Great stuff.

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Melvina Germain 25 April 2007

This is truly beautiful Patricia, the imagry is fantastic and the word usage is fabulous, an excellent read indeed. Thankyou Patricia--Melvina--

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Theodora Onken 18 April 2007

I here you! It snowed in Texas...On the &th of April...now that is a cold beginning to spring, and the flowers had already started to bloom...loved this. Sheer delight your words! Best wishes, Theo

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Risha : Ahmed 12 April 2007

What a lovely poem! Wonderful....Loved it.

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Jim Foulk 06 April 2007

a picture perfect poem. made me feel i was outside and needed my coat, could smell the fresh air, great piece.

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