For The People Of Palestine Poem by Ellias Anderson Jr.

For The People Of Palestine

Rating: 5.0

In a holy land, with a strange feeling
A strange and calm feeling that comes from the heart of people
People who live pure, people who are valuable and kind
People who are great and faithful, men and women with beautiful minds

Their sky was calm a day, it was full of white pigeons
Pigeons which were the messengers of peace
A blue sky that was above a golden place
A place that was full of happy face

Green lands and greener islands with warm sunny farms
Happy people who don't think about a simple fight
Streets full of cheerful children and cars
But the time brings an unfair war

Some people think power can take everything from poor people
But it never can conquer the faith
Faith will destroy every satanic thing
It can bring bad things down, even the powerful kings

Farms destroyed under the boots of soldiers
They close their eyes and burst fire on the poor and innocent children of Palestine
Their laugh destroy that empty sky
Satanic plans those we know all are a lie! ! !

Power Vs Faith
Guns Vs Stones
Bullets Vs people
And Blood on the feeble

When a pure stone flies, a bullet tears the sky to hit for the answer
And then a heart that once was for a human stop beating
The truth is being hiding in our world
We should help the people of Palestine, not with our words! !

Where are the humans right protectors?
Where are the people who are loyal to humanities criteria?
Where are the humans to see a family that sleep with fear?
Where is a person to clean the children tears?

We have a ceiling to sleep in peace under it
We have security, we live in peace
But there…, suddenly the roof of a house will fall down
When they think they are sleeping in peace, they buried in the dawn

In the Name of Humanity, don't be silent
See the truth; see the pure bodies those just fell down
See the tears of mothers those live in stress
See the great unfair condition, see the real mess!

For the people of Palestine
People who live in a cruel situation
For the people of Palestine,
People who their rights are taken, , people with no sin!

I offer this poem to the people of Palestine, i hope the humanity feel the condition of these people who are under a hard cruel condition.
i hope they all stay strong and this poem help them to be stronger.
Aung Si 17 September 2012

Wonderful! Great idea and real emotion.For the people who live in cruel situation, how can they be peaceful?

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Hamid Negah 19 September 2012

Solidarity with the oppressed people anywhere in the world is important tasks...hopefully one day and not see any violence...Amine... i loved this work.

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Terry O'leary 20 September 2012

We must always strive for peace... with words and understanding, patience and telerance... not with pride, hate and weaponjs... Excellent poem Ellias... Terry

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 24 September 2012

A wondrful touchin poem for d opresd palestinians. Kudos esp for d stanza in which u put vs. Bravo young poet.

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Vala Z 09 October 2012

Oh! Ellias Anderson, This is so nice! =) Thank You for such a wonderful poem it's Great! ! ! =D

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2024

If there is a 'God', which I USED TO believe in, where the hELL is she/it/he? ? ? ? Does anyone have a poem in support of recent Israeli actions in Gaza etc.? ? I would read and comment. bri

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2024

Hey, Readers, I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew NOR a Christian. I give this ***** stars (as I did yesterday at another anti-war poem) to bring the thoughts and feelings of some PH members to light.

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2024

While the U.S. does not recognize the State of Palestine, it recognizes the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the legitimate representative entity for the Palestinian people; following the Oslo Accords, '

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2024

In 1994 Israel began a phased transfer of governmental authority in the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority (PA) under the terms of the Oslo Accords that were signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) .'

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Zak knight 06 February 2019

I am Palestinian I am proud thanks Captain A!

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Ellias Anderson Jr.

Ellias Anderson Jr.

Iran, Islamic republic of
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