Forbidden Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE


Rating: 5.0

To me
Independence, democracy, politics, socio-economics, religions are not forbidden
All countries, different cultures, and constitutions are not forbidden
Skin colors, different languages, varieties of beliefs, and good deeds are not forbidden

I am on this earth not cause of the forbidden fruit
I am of nature, by nature, and for nature
To me, the word ‘Forbidden' is prohibited sternly!

But, yes,
In the name of world-wide peace, sovereign solidarity, socio-diplomacy, religions, cleansing terrorism
arranging any war, cool blooded massacre, diplomatic fraudulent pacts and
damaging universal peace are forbidden sternly to me

For the sake of the different cultures, constitutions, languages, beliefs
dividing the earthly lands into pieces and naming different nationality are forbidden sternly to me

For the sake of nature physically, mentally, and knowledge superiority
demean the woman or any other human as weak is forbidden sternly to me

I am on this earth not cause of the forbidden fruit
I am on this earth cause of a man and a woman's loving fluid

-19.11.2020 Chattogram

Thursday, November 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Anil Kumar Panda 19 November 2020

A sort of philosophical write beautifully crafted. Thanks for sharing.

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 November 2020

Facing the ways of nature! ! Accepting natural laws. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 21 November 2020

I am on this earth not cause of the forbidden fruit I am of nature, by nature, and for nature To me, the word ‘Forbidden' is prohibited sternly! Wonderful! . " I too am nature, by nature, and for nature" Absolutely flowing along with your thoughts, stars

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Suresh Kumar Ek 20 November 2020

Nothing is forbidden From the age of Adam and Eve. So prohibit the word Forbdden Thanks Mahtab

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M Asim Nehal 20 November 2020

A sin converted to pleasure of life. Beget and begotten creatures on earth areliving symbols of life. A thoughtful poem.5**

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Deluke Muwanigwa 19 November 2020

Lovely. You have said it all. Great way to put it.

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