In Golden Years (Hindi Translation Of The Poem By Ms Savita Tyagi) Poem by Rajnish Manga

In Golden Years (Hindi Translation Of The Poem By Ms Savita Tyagi)

Rating: 5.0

In Golden Years
Original Poem by Ms Savita Tyagi
Hindi Translation by Rajnish Manga

जीवन के स्वर्ण काल में
मूल रचना: सविता त्यागी
हिंदी अनुवाद रजनीश मंगा

खेल खेल में ही कट जाता जीवन बेपरवाह!
पर चिंता करें तो क्यों भला!
केवल अपने हाथ की सफ़ाई से
मैं अपने सुरक्षा-कवच को त्याग कर कितना ऊँचा उड़ सकती हूँ.
ये पवन झकोरे आ कर मुझको
जहाँ भी चाहे ले जायें.
इन कंदराओं और घाटियों के उस ओर
मेरी कल्पना का लोक बसता है
जो कहीं अधिक मनोरम है उन
मानव निर्मित लक्ष्यों से व सारी आपाधापी से.
यह एक बढ़िया चुनाव है कि नहीं?
जी बिलकुल! पर यह आज़ादी हासिल होती है
केवल अवकाश प्राप्त कर लेने पर ही!

(अवकाश प्राप्त करना = नौकरी या काम से
रिटायर हो जाना या सेवानिवृत्त होना)

Rajnish Manga is grateful to our PH friend Ms Savita Tyagi for having granted permission to translate this poem into Hindi.

This is a translation of the poem In The Golden Years by Savita Tyagi
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: aging,retirement,imagination,pleasure
In Golden Years by Savita Tyagi

Hocus-pocus is life without a focus!
But why worry at all!
With sleight of a hand
I drop my guards to wing wild.
Let the whiff of wind take me
Wherever it may.
Beyond these vales and valleys
Lies a world of my imagination
Far more enchanting than any
Man made goals and deadlines.
Sounds like a good choice?
Of course! But this freedom comes
only past the retirement age!

(Original Poem was posted on 17th October,2018)
Savita Tyagi 27 July 2019

Superb! Thank you so much Rajnish Manga for this beautiful translation. Enjoyed reading it very much in Hindi. will keep it in my poem list.

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Edward Kofi Louis 31 August 2019

Why worry at all? ! Love and Life. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 29 July 2019

I don't know what to add stalwarts have already done her the honours and you sir in equal measure can I ever say lesser or much more the world you does a dore YOUR PATIENCE DILIGENCE AND MARKED TRANSLATION is what makes poet me to both ENGLISH VERSION AND HINDI ENDEAR IN EQUAL MEASURE i SHAN'T SAY FIFTY FIFTY BUT HUNDRED MAY BE Thanks for the English version Hindi mine you know it is tootie fruity lol ji RM AND SAVITA MAA'M

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Rajnish Manga 29 July 2019

Thanks for your kindness, Dear Poet Sir.

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Rajnish ji, this is a wonderful poem. Both the original poem in English by Savita ji and the Hindi translation by you are top class. Like Aniruddha ji says it strikes a chord. In the early years of our lives we are compelled by many situations. It is only during the latter part of our lives that we can sit, ponder and indulge in whatever we like to do..What can be better than poetry? .......10

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Rajnish Manga 28 July 2019

I fully agree with you. We all are required to take care of our responsibilities at different stages of our life. It is after all this is over, we start looking inward and to spare time in pursuit of our own developmental activities including hobbies which otherwise remained unattended thus far. Thanks, Geeta ji, for a thoughtful review and for all the kind words.

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Aniruddha Pathak 28 July 2019

But this freedom comes only past the retirement age! This strikes a chord. I remember when I had suggested half-retirement five years before its time (three days a week working with half the salary) . But it was not to be. The freedom I feel writing poetry compared to analytical stuff based on facts/figures is indescribable. Good original poem and equally good translations.

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Rajnish Manga 28 July 2019

It's amazing to have you sharing your real life experience or musings about being in a similar situation. Thanks very much, Aniruddha ji, for a fine review of the poem and an appreciative word on its translation.

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Jagdish Singh Ramána 27 July 2019

It's wonderful.tiredness of material stuffs makes us bother but it's the retirement and the latter life that is called golden age, which lets us souring into the heavens above. Very beautiful poem and Hindi translation as well.

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Rajnish Manga 28 July 2019

That's a very very interesting review of the poem. After a satisfying life during the prime years, it becomes doubly satisfying when leisure and resources are utilized to fulfill one's long cherished dreams. Thanks, Jagdish ji, also for your kind feedback on this translation.

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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