Inner Pains Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

Inner Pains

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I have no torment, no pain-difficulty
I am not the seller of sorrowful key
Stellar of the far friends I am
New sky in my entrepreneur jam

Being human I can feel meticulously
the pains of dying fishes in my hands without water,
the pains of dying slaughtered chicken, ducks, birds before eyes ground,
the pains of butchered quadruped domestic animals,
the pains of green child grasses under my cruel trampling,
the pains of polluting winds, waters, devastating trees,
Being omnivorous all-mighty human since birth I have nothing to do for these pains

Being human I can feel also
the pain of my beloved at night without me,
the pains of my parents who are depended on my incomes,
the pains of my gods who created me to spend life virtuously but I deny and become ungrateful,
the pains of my accompany with whom I betrayed for the sake of earthly greed,
the pains of dying peoples of COVID-19 or from starvation
Colorful pains of the world when I leave alone
And enter into my sovereign clone

Being human I can feel all inner pains-difficulties
But I have nothing to do cause peace in own tease

06.09.2020 Chattogram

Inner Pains
Monday, September 7, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: insight
Valsa George 11 September 2020

We see so much of pain around and as sensitive human beings the pains of the starving, the sick and the dying become our pain! We may not have any serious problems of our own. But we are sensitized by the suffering of others. A poem coming straight from the heart of a sensitive soul!

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Anjandev Roy 10 September 2020

cause peace in own tease.........fabulous write.......thank u, dear friend......anjandev roy.

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Edward Kofi Louis 09 September 2020

Difficulties! ! ! ! Inner pains of love and life! Trying to understand the things around us. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 09 September 2020

can feel also the pain of my beloved at night without me, parents who are dependent on my incomes, gods who created me to spend life virtuously, dying peoples of COVID-19 or from starvation Colorful pains of the world when I leave alone And enter into my sovereign clone wow now painless poetry deer mb of bd Being human I can feel all inner pains-difficulties But I have nothing to do cause peace in own tease

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Kostas Lagos 07 September 2020

The mystery of being human...wonderful poem

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