Dear God
being obsessed by incisive heartiest expressions
I am expressing to you- 'the Creator without directions'
that you know, I am in the act of washing Myself with love.
Heart to heart, mind to mind is my first choice in this voyage
across the world.
You know, here the debate has been going on since
the beginning of human civilization that
you exist or not.
The people who has been rejecting your presence
and saying you are a delusion without any crystal clear proof.
I do not go to uphold their position
as I am with them who providing your attributes-
the indirect proofs of the creator whose artwork the universes.
I comprehend that You are the first cause
and we all the second subordinate to You.
Its your great art work
I apprehend that the universes are full of mystery
and mystical Phenomenons are smilling all over-
as much as we know
as much as we do not know.
And I comprehend that 'Woman is a ray of God'
I respect her and love her.
You know its not only carnal passion that my love directed at-
but sometime man-shaped animals are
misusing this tremendous blessing.
I apprehend that the interplay of light and shade
in relation of blessed man and woman are
truely creating wave of joy!
It is more than twenty years ago
my Ego, my body and mind became young
by the rule of your time selected for this ours galaxy
It is your grace upon me that i need not pray for rejuvenate me
for rejoicement of union with darling whom you destined-
Who would be she I do not know.
I am pleased seeing that
people consider me as of twenty five!
God! you know, I have not experienced a tiny sweet kiss
from exclusively dynamic lips misusing my youth yet
only fearing you.
You know the girls
who were oppressed or their honesty looted by man-shaped satan
and that causes their mind imprisoned by vulnerableness
and they have been getting wrong day by day
and I am afraid- they may consider singer birds are as fierce Falcon!
Forgive me God if it is interference
I just submitting words before you-
Save innocent lives from fraudulents and make available
the not-bombastic words as well to this your poet.
And God! Save societies from the ultra violet rays of fanaticism!
'Woman is a ray of God' was discovered by great mystic poet Jalaluddin Rumi in his Masnawi.
28,29,30,31 july 2008
©copyright by sarwar chowdhury. all rights reserved.
Bravo! Bravo! this is some poem you know. just keep that faith burning.
It's a nice poem, brilliant composition that tells which side of your faith is, some of it is true though!
Sarwar, you are some poet. I have not seen such a great poem. Thanks for encouraging my work too.
I.N.V.U....Ienviyu...I envy you.....! ! ! ! Womans are God's ray.... but in my religion, Woman is the World's jewelry... that if the womans are broken, then the world will be as well.... Nice poem! ! ! (as much as i dont want to admit....) Thanks for offering! ! ! =D
Indeed an enigma / riddle about existence of God Well it is a good poem….. but without eating pudding how I’ll say about pudding. LOL. But about Mother well She [not she] is God to me. Nice concept and varied way you cultivate upon. Ten+ Ms. Nivedita UK Invite you to read and comment: LINGERIE- IG [new post.] Enigmatic Navel or other poems niv Thanks Dada for comments. niv
Astonishing dialogue with God. Expressed with great fervour. Extraordinary words. Pleasing narration. Brilliant thought. Magnificient. Superb.
I like the style and the clear description of words being used. It helps me to strengthen my faith to God. Keep up the good works.
Continue to write as God is amused much of your presentation...very much interesting...great work+++++++++10
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is a very creative piece of work. Keep writing!