Lying On My Back… Poem by Kesav Venkat Easwaran

Lying On My Back…

Lying on my back on the late night lawn
I look northwards behold a star shine alone
A sun has come over to please me; frank!
Talking to it in heart i express my thanks…

The star laughs an’ tells me: You foolish man!
Pick out a northerly sun, never one can!
Stop kidding get up an’ go to bed straight
I’ll come down to your dreams if time permits…

Shakir Gumnam 06 November 2009

Listen to the lonely stars, they have learnt wisdom by meditations in secluded spheres. Very beautiful poem! 10 even if you don't care!

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Indira Renganathan 06 November 2009

Even at that drowsy moment you were able to be poetic...wonderful...a neat poem with a dash of always excel in the lighter side of life to amuse the reader....thank you

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Very descriptive Kesav as you lie on your back and look at the sky. I also enjoyed the humor and hope you had wonderful dreams that night. 10 love Karin

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Mamta Agarwal 07 November 2009

lying on your back and watching the night sky, you travel in a world of magic, transcend the humdrum of daily existence and gain insight through inner reflections and self realization. nothing teaches like nature, as you have expressed in this poem with a touch of humour. human follies and foilbles... 10 Mamta

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Eyan Desir 07 November 2009

This poems makes one ponder.... well written

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, aryaindia 21 November 2009

Your philosophy and wit is remarkable and complete. arya

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Reshma Ramesh 17 November 2009

haha......well said! !

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Sandra Martyres 15 November 2009

Imagination at its poetic best make a simple poem on a dream take the reader far away.......

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premji premji 13 November 2009

keshavji, you are the polar star of poetry..........

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Kushal Vaishnani 13 November 2009

very well written.. your poem can tell in very few words what can't be conveyed in hundreds of words by others and that's poetical triumph.

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