One That Cupid Forgot Poem by Practicing Poetess

One That Cupid Forgot

Rating: 4.8

She was pretty, vivacious, and full of life
And dreamed of becoming someone's wife
How is it that life did pass her by
And bring disappointment which made her cry?

Was it that she didn't flirt enough?
Or guys of today want strong women, not fluff?
Perhaps she'd fare better by playing the field
Than, time and again, to one man only yield.

Should she have held back more, played hard-to-get
Not worn heart on her sleeve with the men she met?
And, is it that men prefer fantasy
And mystery, to bare honesty?

How is it an ugly girl becomes a wife,
Then spends all his money, and cheats all her life?
While our pretty miss wanted nothing more
Than a husband that she could love and adore.

They say that there's someone for everyone- -True?
I'll wager that may be the case for a few
But, when it comes to love, Cupid's law
Appears to be the luck of the draw.

(c)copyright Practicing Poetess poetry
All rights reserved

Saturday, August 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Written 23rd August,2019
Aqua Flower 25 August 2019

What an adorable poem. I hear ya! We often wonder when will cupids bow stike us and give us true love! I guess the bow has to strike both! Enjoyed this immensely! :)

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Practicing Poetess 26 August 2019

Thank ya, Aqua! Always great hearing from you! And, you got it right- - Cupid's bow apparently doesn't work unless it hits BOTH hearts! :)

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Louis Rams 24 August 2019

the cupid did not forget her, it just passed her by waiting for that special moment to give true love a try

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Practicing Poetess 24 August 2019

Awww, Louis- - That's so sweet! I sure do hope you are right about that one, for the sake of that poor longsuffering girl :)

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Mahtab Bangalee 24 August 2019

Love Appears to be the luck - it's Cupid's law! /// wonderful poem penned, I enjoyed

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Practicing Poetess 24 August 2019

Many thanks, Mahtab. Cupid doesn't always play fair.

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Edward Kofi Louis 24 August 2019

Time and again! ! ! ! Muse of love and life. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Practicing Poetess 24 August 2019

Thanks for reading and commenting, Edward Kofi. :)

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