Pure Rice Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Pure Rice

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Rice, rice, rice, cook, cook, cook,
While hunger comes it does hook.
A person eats daily, poor or rich,
Rice you are food satisfy to each.

Without you we can't live Oh! Rice,
For working hard some eat you thrice.
Human, insects or birds all need you,
The whole day they get strength new.

For filling belly every day all do think,
Farmers every year in cultivation sink.
In search of you people go for place,
They run and compete to win the race.

Some do earn money only for belly,
They cook in kitchen to serve daily.
The state of mind depends on nature,
By command of time rice you nurture.

Purity is purpose eating with flavor,
While we offer God you do favour.
Oh! Rice, without you we don't sustain,
By grace of God you serve we contain.

Monday, October 20, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
Here the poet describes about the pure food like rice based on purity. Cook cooks rice for us or we cook while we feel hunger. A person may be rich or poor eats daily to save his/her life. Pure rice provides us satisfaction. In order to labour hard some consume rice thrice daily. Human beings, insects or birds all need rice and they take and get strength. In order to have bellyful food, farmers sink in hard labour to cultivate paddy throughout the year. In search of food like rice people have to compete with other. People earn money in lieu of getting rice. Our minds depend on the nature of rice.Purity based rice makes our minds to generate good thoughts. Rice meets our hunger, strengthens our body and makes nurture. Pure rice with flavor is offered to God first and then we take. Poet at last thinks that without rice we can't survive. By the grace of God we contain rice. Thus this is the theme of the poem and it is written in Deogarh, Odisha, India on this day of 20th October,2014.It is dedicated to the people of the world.
Salini Nair 22 October 2014

For filling belly every day all do think, ....................its the primary need of all....nice sir

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Tribhawan Kaul 24 October 2014

Nice one on the rice and hunger. We always pray to give two square meals to every one. Thanks for sharing.

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Md Asadullah 24 October 2014

Rice is the most important food grain of Asia, It plays a vital role in nourishing millions of people, thanks a lot for bringing out the importance of rice through this poem :)

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Ramesh Rai 20 October 2014

Rice n wheat are the two important products without which our food is incomplete. A very nice subject for read n study.10

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Robert Murray Smith 27 July 2018

A true ode to rice. The staple food around the globe.+++10

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Muzahidul Reza 21 April 2018

Oh! Rice, without you we don't sustain, By grace of God you serve we contain. these 2 lines have made the poem well spritual one, thanks for sharing the poem with us,10

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Soulful Heart 25 October 2014

rice the indisn staple food.....a good way to honour the grains that fill our hunger.....good poem in simple flow....

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 25 October 2014

Nice one crafted beautifully with touching words on life's basics to appease hunger as rice be it for rich or poor..... wonderful peace......10/10

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Allemagne Roßmann 24 October 2014

Purity of rice yes felt all trhough mainly though Bengal and Tamil Nadu

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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