Reflections Poem by Patricia Grantham


Rating: 5.0

Look in the mirror what do you see?
A different person or what you used to be
Some things remain the same others are new
Changes can be many and some are few

The mirror does not lie it tells you the truth
If your hair is receding or you're missing a tooth
Can you tell how old you will live to be?
Many have tried but have failed you see

Look again in the mirror have you made a change?
Or are you careful not to step out of your range
Take another look don't step away too soon
Past hurts and ill feelings can reopen a wound

Life can't be lived by just casting a net
Never happened by chance or making a bet
Throw away the stone let bygones be gone
Dig a deep hole and bury the old bone

Copyright 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: mirror
Valerie Dohren 25 January 2013

I try not to look in the mirror too often these days - great write Patricia, and so very true.

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 26 January 2013

when it is very hard to do, we may feel depressed! Good thought!

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Chandra Thiagarajan 05 February 2013

When the mirror reflects us and we feel the hard change we may get depressed. But one has to accept the reality.! BEAUTIFUL POEM WITH RHYME AND RHYTHM captures the heart.!

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Joseph Anderson 11 March 2013

I am hoping my mirror is giving me a distorted view of me, but probably not. This poem should make one take a closer look at themself and maybe do a liitle soul searching. Uplifting and thoughful write

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Jodie Hardy 28 August 2013

A beautiful poem to read, I have tried to write a poem along the same lines recently though I have been unable to finish it. You have captured. Well done xx

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Elena Sandu 20 August 2013

A beautiful and very interesting poem, the mirrored reflections are mixed in an original way. The images takes form in my mind fast increasing the size of my pupil. I love this poem.

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Aswath Raman 16 August 2013

Wow! This poem is so lovely. To forget the past and to move on to the coming days and accept them is the best way to live the life to the fullest. Very nocely saud. Mirror indeed is a reality check for us. Nice rhyming too!

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 11 July 2013

We need to age graciously and not keep worrying about what we see in the mirror. Thank you for a thought provoking poem.

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Dave Walker 11 March 2013

A great poem, what we see in the mirror is not always what other people see.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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