Shelter Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair


Rating: 5.0

Like a mariner's sleepless, anxious eyes
Catch sight of the greenery of a far isle
My hope with a sigh finds refuge in you.

Above his adrift yacht when seagulls circle
His heart leaps up with joy that the birds
Are none other than your winged love.

His soul elates in the scent of your soil,
He longs to land, carried to him by the gale
And his fear like fog in the sun vanishes

Might and mirth melt down from my peaks
My shelter is still distant, beyond the horizon
Where meet in unison reality and illusion

Friday, January 29, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: shelter
When we are in difficulties we think of God and in the belief that good ending will be there we proceed. We are impatient and it will cause delay in manifestations. A spiritual seeker will think that a good day will come at last
Rose Marie Juan-austin 31 March 2021

Revisiting this wonderful poem. A poem of faith and hope. Very uplifting.

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Aarzoo Mehek 01 February 2021

The last retrieve a disturbed hear seeks is god's abode. Very very beautiful poem a mixture of hope and fath. My compliments

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Thank you very much dear poetess. When we place our hopes at the feet of God we feel a sort of satisfaction that our hope is half way through manifestation

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 31 January 2021

reality and illusion make far away the shelter of mind stability- unreachable but the notion function of poetic mind makes it near to heart!

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Thank you dear Magatab. Your words are true. It's the creation of our mind to find the horizon where meet reality and illusion

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Thank you dear

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M Asim Nehal 31 January 2021

Patience is key to solace. No matter what the situation is and what test we are going through with patience and faith we can sail through. A motivational poem.5** And straight to my poem list.

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Thank you very much dear Asim Nehal. Your philosophic words are great and true. Faith and patience are really the wings of the bird of our life.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 31 January 2021

A marvellous poem that glides between reality and illusion drifting like a yacht.

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Thank you very much dear Geeta Menon. Your poetic words are a source of abundant energy

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