The Rape(S) That Didn' T Go As Planned......[very Long; Lust; Humor; Drama] Poem by Bri Edwards

The Rape(S) That Didn' T Go As Planned......[very Long; Lust; Humor; Drama]

Rating: 5.0

When I was 22 I met a girl,17, who was very slim and pretty.
She was kind of shy and had bad breath, but once she let me touch one titty.
Except for the bad breath and shyness she was my dream girl, I swear.
In fact from that day, when I dreamt, I dreamt of her (in underwear) .

One Sunday eve I drove her quite a distance, to a place in the dark;
it was a seldom-used but well-kept San Mateo County park.
I thought ahead about my plan as we hiked on down a trail.
I had plenty of beer and a blanket. I knew my plan would not fail.

We spread out our blanket on a soft secluded patch of beach.
We each opened a can of beer and kept the rest within our reach.
I was already quite aroused but I kept it in my pants.
After 2 or 3 more beers each, we both got up to dance.

Back on the blanket once more, I decided I had waited long enough;
it was now or NEVER!
My plan was calculated, because I am so very clever.

When she was daydreaming I pulled out some gauze, and a vial of chloroform.
(The stars were out, the moon shown brightly, the sea was calm, and the evening warm.)
Then I quickly poured some liquid on the gauze and clamped it to her face.
But I only used a little bit as I did not wish to have a murder now take place.

When she was limp, I pulled my pants off (but kept shoes on) , and lowered my 'boxer shorts' a little.
I took a quick peek at her tits and then exposed her middle.
I got on her then and knew she could NOT be shy NOW.
I was pumping her good and hard, like I'd seen a bull do to a cow.
[Of course I put my swollen member in a latex condom first,
not wanting to spread disease or impregnate. Which would be worse? ]

But suddenly I had to pee but I had NO time to withdraw,
and I peed a mighty pee inside her. Some of it flowed from her, like yellow new-mown straw.
I was shocked then when she opened up her eyes and looked me in the face.
My God what could I do now, I thought; she might spray me with some Mace.

Instead she reached up and grabbed my neck with an amazingly strong arm.
I shouted out 'I love you girl. NOT a hair of you I'll harm! '

I'd never treated a girl rudely before, unless you count that whore.
That one (she was 29) loved sex, and always yelled out for more.
That's what really turned me off to the tart; I hate feeling I'm being used.
Every time I fucked her she screamed for more and MORE. Finally I REFUSED.

Now my friend on the blanket said 'mount me from behind RIGHT NOW!
Then you can really feel what it's like to be inside a cow.'

(She must have been reading my mind before, when she'd been out like a light.)

I really didn't like being ordered around but how could I resist?
Besides the thought of something new was luring me, and she did INSIST.

And so I let her get on hands and knees and I leaned some on her back.
I aimed my swollen member at her gaping hole and gave her quite a whack.
But my better judgment said that 'to stop and leave there would be best'. Perhaps.
(For what followed the next half hour, I wish I could have a memory lapse.)

Her vaginal walls clamped ahold of me with more strength than I care to remember;
the last time that happened to me was with the whore, last November.
I thought to say but didn't 'please stop. You are hurting me! '
But it seemed clear to me by then that she did NOT intend to let me free.

I tried to pull away from her. It began to really REALLY HURT.
But somehow, from her back-to-me position, she grabbed ahold of my new shirt.
I tried again by pleading loudly 'PLEASE MY LOVE, let me go right now.'
To that she responded 'don't you remember DEAR? YOU treated ME first like a COW!
Can't you take your own medicine Mr. BULL? '..., and
with that she began to TWIST and PULL. (HARD!)

Again I failed to talk her into stopping.
I envisioned that my balls both would soon be popping.

Then somehow I managed to reach down and pull off my right shoe.
I hit her lightly on the head, but she only called out 'I want more; I do I DO! '
To my horror the pain escalated even MORE in my cock.
I felt it was in a machine made for crushing rock.

I hit her a bit harder but she never let me loose.
My member felt as though it were a murderer hanging from a noose.
Then I got my left shoe off, and with BOTH shoes I hit her GOOD!
My God her strength was unreal! She must pump iron each day in the ‘hood.

And then I thought of a new begging line, and I said 'I've got to get up early. I NEED my sleep.'
I was then amazed when, a moment later, she released her grip and let me get up....., without a peep.
(She must have remembered her homework. Maybe she too needed to get up early?)
In this country's present economic downturn time,
many need to clock in early at work to make a dime.

We walked back to the car after she turned me loose,
but, as I walked ahead of her, several times she gave me a BIG goose.
I drove her to a young-people's club in her neighborhood.
I was tempted to kiss her goodnight, but I didn't think I should.

That night at home I thought maybe I should become a fairy,
but the more I thought of it, I realized that it too could be scary.

At my next confession, I think the old priest did blanch.
It was the most frightening story he'd heard since, as a boy, he'd worked on a big dude ranch.
I attend Mass more frequently now, where me and God often talk, and
I volunteer on weekends and evenings to take old nuns for their walks.
N0W I say MORE than my share of Hail Mary's,
and think no more of girls in panties....., nor of fairies.

I can't now get an erection, even those times when I 'wanna';
I've tried music videos of JLo, and Beyonce, and Madonna.

And since that HORRIBLE seaside experience I've not seen HER. (Well yes, I DID, twice.)
But when I saw her coming my way, I ran off, with my body trembling ……, and I HID (twice) .

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: rape,relationships,sex,surprise
give it a catchy tune and you might like it even more. NOT a true story; at least not about me. the tide turned, the tables were switched, he was placed inside 'someone else's shoes'. so THERE! ! [April 22,2014] i just added two lines to the end of stanza #6, feeling i should demonstrate 'my' responsibility to safe sex practices. a few days ago i told my wife i had written a poem about rape [and that it had humor in it]. she didn't think that was funny. of course she didn't read it. she said no poem about rape could be funny. well, that's one woman's/person's opinion. may i hear more opinions, pro or con, especially from female readers, please? =============now four years later. i did some very minor editing and put the first few stanzas in Section B of September 2016's Showcase for PH Poets.

So the bull got what he did not intend lololol oh Bri it is just as well I get your sick humour huh hahahhaha must admit it was close to the bone (so to speak) but even although I am female I do see the funny side hahahahha but by God man you are gonna get yourself hung drawn a quartered one of these days lol

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Bri Edwards 02 October 2022

IOIANH, Yours is perhaps the 'best', most admired/appreciated, poem comment I've ever received. THANKS. bri ;)

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Annette Aitken 08 September 2016

Ok..from a female prospective..he is one sick mother F...ker...was he justifing what he was doing to her in his head? in his world off delusion.....sorry I never found the humour...maybe thats why women haven't commented because...we don't really know what to say...... Annette

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Terry Craddock 22 April 2014

by the way I read your poem 'The Rape(S) That Didn't Go As Planned......[Very Long; Lust; Humor; Drama]' to Mike, he basically laughed the entire way through, so job well done; much too little laughter in the world :) I better vote a 10 then :)

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Terry Craddock 20 April 2014

A vivid imaginative piece Bri; which succeeds with the twists turns you planned in dramatic graphic humour. Interesting I wrote a poem about writing with creative passion and blocked it as profanity, while your epic passed muster with no inhabiting comments.

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Brian Skyers 21 November 2012

Don't worry, fantasies will encroach as midlife crisis takes hold, , lol.ha ha.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success