Tree 10 - A Yogic Tree Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Tree 10 - A Yogic Tree

Rating: 4.8

O! My Yogic tree!
Yearning to touch the boughs of heaven
Through the eight steps of Yoga -
"Ashtanga Marga Yoga",
To reach a spiritual summit!

The steps are not easy!
They are like a tree
Striving continuously,
With persistent effort
To rise above the ground.

The steps begin with Yama,
Yama meaning self-discipline,
Through Ahimsa - Non-violence!
A tree never harms or hurts
It just stands to protect and preserve.

The second step is the Niyama,
Niyama is strict observance
To remain clean and pure,
To remain content,
And to surrender to the will of God.

Asanas are body postures
Like the stem and branches of a tree.
They are postures, steady and comfortable,
Willing to bend, turn, twist to nature
Self -regulating and balanced.

A vital limb of Yoga
Is Pranayama-
The inhalation and exhalation,
The control of vital breath
The conservation of bio-energy

The last three limbs of Yoga
Are disciplines of the mind
Like meditation, contemplation
And ‘Samadhi' - like a tree that stands
In absolute silence in total absorption!

Tree 10 - A Yogic Tree
LeeAnn Azzopardi 01 October 2024

Beautiful Geeta enjoyed it very much Bravo and TFS

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The Yoga tree with Yama (self-discipline) as its roots, then the niyam, the postures, pranayama, meditation, contemplation and "Samadhi"…are all limbs of yoga.

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2) Samadhi was a natural state of mind and body for Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa….

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

T.T. aka Geeta, Is THAT a giant BAT, a fruit bat perhaps, hanging from the left side of the tree, or is it Dracula? ? ? Yikes! ! Ok I'll read poem but I peeked at it and yogi is NOT 'my thing'; NO exercise is. : ) bri

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

'A tree never harms or hurts' ........You think so? ! Tell that to someone whose house has just been split in two, OR a boulder which has slowly been cleaved over years by a tree's roots! ! !

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

Geeta, I like 'content'(ment) . And I usually manage quite well being content (enough) ; I VERY RARELY say 'I'm happy', bring content to be content. : ) bri

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

oops. where did that incomplete comment go? ! As I was saying: In 1970 I worked as a civilian nurses' aide in a NYState hospital rather than be subject to military rule over me if I'd been 'drafted' during the Viet Nam/Vietnam war/conflict. ;)

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

(cont.) Let's hear it [applause] for 'Ahimsa - Non-violence! '. I was a 'Conscientious Objector' (to all war)

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

Who IS that Raving Beauty beneath the tree! ? Hee hee. Ok, I'll read your poem again. (cont.)

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Bri Edwards 05 October 2024

Well, I DO like trees and have climbed plenty of them, mostly in my 'younger years'. And they make great homes for birds, bees, and other creatures. 'Tarzan of the Apes' lived in a tree house with Jane and their son, Boy. ;))

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