Vincent Van Gogh 31 - Is There A God? Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 31 - Is There A God?

Rating: 5.0

All along, a doubt nagged and kept gnawing
Deep inside the psyche of Vincent,
Even during the period of his learning
To become a priest or a preacher.
Is there a God? If God really existed,
Where was God, when he needed him most?
His attempt to become a priest
Had become a complete disaster!
His experience with miners had taught him
That only misery and suffering existed!

Vincent was twenty six years old now
And life had taught him harsh lessons.
His five attempts to become something
In life, had become a total failure.
He had no idea as to how he would
Restart his life with no job or no money.
Starvation for many days had caused
Severe weakness of body, clarity of mind.
His vision was blurred, blocked.
Vincent felt cold. His core being had collapsed!

Madam Denis welcomed Vincent back to her place.
She was a very kind lady. She gave him soap
To wash, scrub and clean himself.
She gave her husband's garments for him to wear.
Vincent shaved himself neatly, wondering how
So many bones stuck out of his face and body.
After many days, Vincent dressed up decently,
Then, went down to the bakery kitchen for a meal
With the generous Denises. He ate the warm meal
Though he felt a strange taste in his mouth.

How could he ever regain his enthusiasm?
Vincent was forbidden to preach any further.
He stopped interacting with the miners,
He rarely spoke or visited their huts again.
The miners never questioned his silence
Nor did they miss his sermons.
Life continued in Borinage like before
With no blames or condemnation.
The miners understood the situation
And accepted the change with an air of calmness.

A Biographical Poem!

Vincent Van Gogh 31 - Is There A God?
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: failure,life,human life,true,story,struggle,misery
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments.
Pallab Chaudhury 12 October 2022

A beautiful series of poems... loved it... well done dear poetess..5*

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Chinedu Dike 05 August 2024

Wonderfully and powerfully brought forth...

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Richard Wlodarski 18 October 2022

If anyone earned the right to question the existence of God, it most certainly was Vincent. He was very fortunate to have his soul mate as his brother Theo. Without him, he would have given up on God and life long ago. Geeta, your series is connecting all the dots for me!

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Evelyn Judy Buehler 13 October 2022

I learn a lot about the great artist, though this marvelously written, touching poem. Thank you for sharing.

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Anjandev Roy 13 October 2022

Brilliant work........enjoyed it.....thank u....

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 13 October 2022

Wonderfully beautiful Geeta

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