- -for Clara
We all know it makes us tremble
We know it can make a person's voice husky
We know it stirs a frenzy in the blood
We know it inspires schmaltzy singing
We know it tugs us into arrangements
And sometimes leaves us high and dry
Nature stirs the pot of attraction
And we bubble with the broth
'Birds do it, bees do it, ' and the Wild Kingdom
keeps cranking out its innumerable episodes.
Why all the pollen and perfume and colors?
Why the silken skin, the spring in one's step?
Why is so much attention lavished
on the special way a person moves?
Why do we treat attachment as a promise?
Why do some make it a monument, some a trophy?
Why do monuments get buried in dust?
Is it a splendid excess that needs to be dissipated?
Is it an accursed share of incompleteness?
Is it nature's way of shuffling a deck of cards?
Is it a dredging operation to clear up sludge?
Is it a balletic migration toward a state of felicity,
an existential errand? A recapitulation of cosmology,
a rehearsal for going back to the fountainhead,
or an inborn principle that guides sentient beings
making life trajectories into melodies?
I am a human being, endowed with a mind;
I too devote my attention, enjoy times for sharing;
I too bask in the comforts of togetherness,
but the question stays with me: WHY?
Like a six year old pestering his mother,
but now I can only take the Creation as my Mother.
Some say that life is to be lived, not questioned,
and maybe the answer is too technical to fathom
Surely the question needs to be expanded;
Surely it's time for the question to be refined;
Maybe the Creator will note my sincere efforts,
and raising questions will equip my understanding.
The technical answer cannot be the final answer,
as long as tears and laughter can confer meaning.
Many deep questions raised.Life faces innumerable questions and answer is not coming.Even when we do not get an answer we are drawn into it.
A great philosophical write, thanks for sharing.Top marks for this poem and it goes to my fav list.
Nice alliteration(s) here: 'An existential errand? A recapitulation of cosmology? '.........BUT what do the questions MEAN? ? : )
This poem reminds me of a philosophy class I attended in high school. Thinking and questionning make us human. Deep and clean writing.
Maybe break the first stanza into two, similar to the others but a good poem nonetheless.
Dennis, I just saw the note you sent me back in May directing me to this poem. Two responses come to me—to fulfill the commandment to multiply and as an important expression of love. Take care! -Glen
TODAY this amazing poem is on number 18 of the Top 100 of Best Member Poems. CONGRATS, Denis!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Incoming: Your poem is on place number 63 in the Top 100 of Best Member Ppems, Denis. Congratulations!
WOW! TODAY on number 18. My greatest Congrats, Denis!