You Are Special Poem by Belle Wassermeister

You Are Special

Rating: 5.0

I am not wise
in the ways
of the world.

I only have
a quarter century
of experience.

There are some
that have four
times as much.

But this much
I do know:
we are special.

We are not
here by chance.
We did not

evolve from apes.
We were created
by a Supreme Being.

I feel it
in my heart,
in my soul.

Whoever you are,
you are special.
God loves you.

He has a
purpose for you.
What is it?

You can find out.
Just ask Him.
Talk to Him.

Monday, July 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: family
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, … and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
James 1: 5-6
King James Version
Edward Kofi Louis 01 July 2019

Special Beings on earth. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aqua Flower 03 July 2019

Wisdom comes from, experiene and yes God is our guide. Wonderful poem. :)

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Valsa George 09 July 2019

Beautiful thoughts friend! I do agree with you! Each one is special and each one is important in the eyes of God! If we lack anything and if we ask in earnest, He shall grant us our request!

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Mihaela Pirjol 09 July 2019

A powerful poem, with Faith being the support for a life well lived. Wise and true.

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Hazel Durham 10 July 2019

Stunning write about faith in God and true goodness that makes people special!

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Unnikrishnan E S 26 December 2021

Part 2. If this world is created by Him, then He has created it for everyone, everything, with a purpose. Even a grain of sand……

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Unnikrishnan E S 26 December 2021

Beautiful! Brilliant poem, enjoyed reading every word. But, let me remind you, "Apes were also created by a Supreme Being', The Very Same Supreme Being, and with a purpose. Maybe, the ape does not know that, maybe it does! Who knows, except Him!

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Roseann Shawiak 17 November 2020

Excellent poem Linda, so perfectly and intellectually poetical in its purpose, thank you for sharing it. RoseAnn

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Terry Craddock 31 October 2020

I wrote the poem 'American Election 2020: Just Days Away' inspired by the poem 'You Are Special' by the poet Linda Bella Wassermeister and dedicated to the poet Linda Bella Wassermeister.

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Terry Craddock 31 October 2020

Metamorphosis is impossible according to evolution, the caterpillar dies dissolves into liquid soup, then emerges as a totally new insect, without multiple legs and a feed machine mouth. Transformation is a miracle, wings, flight, the ability to feed breed mate all instant, in a brief time scale. No millions of years slight adaptation. The miracle has to occur several times instantly, genders of both species, both able to find each other and reproduce. Think about it.

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Belle Wassermeister

Belle Wassermeister

Gleichen, Alberta, Canada
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