Abdulrazak Aralimatti

Abdulrazak Aralimatti Poems

O! my self! poor self! ,
What do you crave for?
Don't you know?
The gifts of God lie,

In the first decade of 21st century,
I worked under a fine jury.
One of the wisest scholar of the city,
With patience, compassion and humility.

In the name of God, start your day,
Neat and tidy mark your way.
Melodiously utter your words,
Like the chirping of birds.

Many a bards unknown,
Many a poets unsung,
Wrote poems in praise,
Of their Lord,

On the children's day,
To the Lord I pray.
May God bless,
To one and all success.

Zakiya, my dear daughter,
Pleases me with loud laughter.
She ascended from high heaven,
On February seven.

O! Poets! , the custodians of the truthful race,
Explore the field of virtue and grace.

Possessives are not used for better words of praise,

What's mine?
Let me define.
Is it my looks?
But its God's fabrication.

Once again I betrayed my soul,
After making firm vows,
Defying to play the role,
And accepting that time loves.

In guilt, I recall my immoral days,
The days spent in insensible ways.
Down into the bottom of hell,
My thoughts did fell.

Oh! What a great ecstasy and joy,
After a long misery and cry.
My soul was long attacked,
As it sobriety lacked.

O! Mahatma Gandhiji!
How powerful your weapon,
More powerful than,
Ever, ever made.

They respect and honour me,
But dishonoured was he.
He was a man left all alone,
For his goodness, never shone.

Let me listen and hear my conscience,
O! Vice, the wretched one.
Your clutches seem to be strong,
But verily with you is a loss.

What else can you do,
When there's no time to prove.

Limited is the time provided,

O great soul,
You indeed reach to your goal.

Your falling drop of tear,

Once in my early childhood,
My father to show his brood,
Took me to his mother's house,
Laden with oxen and cows.

It's Almighty my Lord,
To whom I pray and accord.
He is the universal light,
I worship Him day and night.

O my friend Jerry,
You are a sweet cherry.
You have perfected your life,
After a great great strife.

Visioning the new year,
For your life to steer.
With a hope and happy heart,
Give the year a good start.

Abdulrazak Aralimatti Biography

Abdulrazak Aralimatti, an Indian English Poet and author of seven books hails from Vijaypur, Karnataka, India, the place of Gol Gumbaz, the second largest dome in the world, its whispering gallery and the Black Taj of India - The Heritage City. Born on 2nd June 1972 in Vijaypur city and brought up in Goa as father served as postmaster therein, he got educated at Goa and works in Vijaypur as the family had to return back to native place after father's crucial demise. He couldn't fair well in his early life on account of his sentmental nature and imagination where he had to struggle and endure a lot. He used to remain absorbed in his intense imagination which was a nuisance to him. The right course of study for him was Arts and English literature where he could positively use his intense emotions and imagination to learn and create literature but he had chosen the wrong streams of pursuing education which led to failures. His father's suicidal death on service heightened his sentimental nature and imagination wherein he lost his mental balance and as a result he had to give up the compensation job of his father to his sister. He served as an English teacher in several schools and serves as an honorary lecturer in English on the basis of his linguistic and literary acumen. He also serves as a content writer and chief editor of Secab group of 25 educational institutions, wherein he wrote the biography of the founder president on the golden jubilee celebration and compiled the institution's golden jubilee chronicle 'The Wings of Knowledge'. He runs his coaching institute 'Misal English Academy' in his native place Vijaypur. He has written five volumes of poems which are the sequels and a compilation on the English poets of Vijaypur city which is recognized and included in the journal of Karnataka Sahitya Academy. He is the life member of The Poetry Society (India) and his books are available on online retailers Google, Amazon and others. Literary Works: 1. Voice of an Unaccomplished Soul 2. Voice of an Accomplishing Soul 3. Accomplishment Trilogy 4. Accomplishment Soulography 5. The Shattered Youth 6. The English Poets of Vijaypur City 7. Secab's golden jubilee chronicle - The Wings of Knowledge)

The Best Poem Of Abdulrazak Aralimatti

In Search Of Integrity.

O! my self! poor self! ,
What do you crave for?
Don't you know?
The gifts of God lie,
In the cradle of endurance,
But you sail,
In the coffin of whims, O Abdulrazak.

O! my self! poor self! ,
What are you proud of?
Don't you know?
That pride has a fall,
And shame follows fame,
But you exalt self,
In the coffin of pride, O Abdulrazak.

O! my self! poor self!
What do you beautify?
Don't you know?
That time takes away,
And the body turns ugly,
But you beautify,
In the coffin of masks, O Abdulrazak.

O! my self! poor self!
What are you hoarding?
Don't you know?
That no material wealth accompanies,
And you depart alone,
But you accumulate,
In the coffin of wealth, O Abdulrazak.

O! my self! poor self!
What do you wait for?
Don't you know?
That death awaits,
In fall of every second,
But you pass time,
In the coffin of 'tomorrows', O Abdulrazak.

O! my self! poor self!
What do you plan for?
Don't you know?
There's a mighty universal plan,
To defend your plan,
But you fabricate,
In the coffin of plots, O Abdulrazak.

Abdulrazak Aralimatti Comments

Akhtar Jawad 05 January 2015

Abdulrazak started submitting his poems last month. within a short period he submitted six poems that are all wonderful. I expect much more from him. He is a promising poet and I think very soon we shall see his name in the topmost positions at PH.

13 0 Reply
Mohammed Zaid Inamdar 02 July 2018

Great poet..

8 2 Reply
Neran Sati 23 October 2015

Reading your poems Abdulrazak, I see the picture of young Indian sun rising above misty plains, of the soul striving for devine purity, of your devotion to family, your friends and your labor, and the returning cycles of redemption and rejuvenation, all in quest for the path of truth and justice, that would lead to a longlasting piece, rejoining here and there.

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Md Anisur Rahman 07 December 2015

your poems inspaire me.thank you.

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ulfat patel 10 February 2018

Very inspiring ... Thank you sir for inspiring youth of todays ...

9 0 Reply
Abdul Qayyum Mulla 25 April 2020

Abdulrazak is the great poet as I have seen, All the words will be running in hearts of teen A lot of burden you have suffered So you became poet from favor of God Teaching is profession and has English sir Your knowledge is great as far and far My sir is poet I am so proud One will come all take your loud and loud Father's crucial death bring you emotions Emotions you did prove, in the form of poems.

5 0 Reply
Abdul Qayyum Mulla 05 April 2020

I am your student, sir from 8th standard I proud of you because, you have done a great job that you expressing your feelings and your 4th book is " Accomplishment SouloGraphy" , your intention I don't know but I can tell that every lines you have written all fine lines of poems and 5th book is " The English Poets Of Bijapur " .Abdul Qayyum Mulla

5 0 Reply
Abdul Qayyum Mulla 05 April 2020

How grateful my sir knows everything of intuition because he has suffered a lot of problems.Please sir, I didn't tell you, that I have submitted 20 poems on Poem Hunter, forgive me.Now you see my poems please.

5 0 Reply
Sohail bagban 06 January 2020

Im your student sohail sir from bca Proud to be your student sir

5 0 Reply
Mohammad Azeem Maniyar 01 January 2020

I am proud of you sir...

4 0 Reply

Abdulrazak Aralimatti Quotes

Life is a struggle till the last breath, And the struggle ends only with death.

Life is a trial of trials.

The gifts of God lie in the cradle of endurance

See the virtues in others and be virtuous.

The past is a burden, The future is uncertain, The present is only the 'ASSURANCE'.

Life is not what you have understood but what is yet to be understood.

Nothing in the world is in the purest form except the conscience of man

Without a loss, there's no true gain

Life is a struggle till the last breath and it ends or follows with death.

what mean the weather and climate Sun and moon mean the same So does mean the nature of man.

Retaining self an accomplished till death Is the true accomplishment of one's life

Truth is found within ourselves Embedded in our conscience Never search outside You will never find

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