A Bed Time Story Poem by Dorothy (Alves) Holmes

A Bed Time Story

Rating: 4.8

Once upon a time
Once upon a dream
Once upon a heart break
Once uppon a tear
The world closed down.
Where were all the fairy god-mothers?

rachael richmond 02 February 2007

just a few short words but this poem writes a whole story. very clever, dorothy. rachael ps your name is so distracting. you know that you can change it anytime by going back into your options, clicking on the submit button at the bottom and it will show the new revised name when you log on next time

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David Harris 09 March 2007

Dorothy, short, sweet and to the point. Where have all the fairy godmothers gone? I don't think they allotted me one. If they did she lost her way. Lovely little poem. Thanks for sharing it. David

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Ben Gieske 18 June 2007

Delightful reading. Once upon a time does envisage bedtime, but this ends up to be a wake up call.

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Thufail Ahmed 14 July 2007

You have this talent for deriving the maximum output from minimum input. It's real magic at work.

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Katherine Wiley 06 April 2008

Dorothy-Excellent poem, done with eclat! The tears come at night, don't they? I really loved this one. kate

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Loved this recount of a heartbreak

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Tom Allport 05 June 2017

a lovely little poem asking a big question? ........well written

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a good bed time story about fairy-godmothers

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Lyn Paul 01 May 2015

It seems, Just Once..... brought too many a tear. What you have expressed in these few words is simply remarkable.

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Kim Barney 24 April 2015

Cute little poem with a poignant question. I like it. However, one of the UPON words has an extra P.

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