A Daily Struggle! Poem by Aarzoo Mehek

A Daily Struggle!

Rating: 5.0

Filled in smoke
and fascinating secrets
those claustrophobic rooms

Clumpy mascara and tears
smeared on cheeks
of untold thoughts and fears
Tying to keep up

Crimson lips
empty eyes
Unspoken words

Those shallow laughters
screaming to be sheltered
from the hungry wolves
A daily struggle

© Aarzoo Mehek

A Daily Struggle!
Monday, September 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: struggle,tears
Unnikrishnan E S 25 September 2017

Hi Aarzoo, Wow! What a write! Heart-rending picture of womanhood world-over. So much of pain and agony, and of course a critique on the social environment, confined in such a small poem; just a few little words. : : Filled in smoke and fascinating secrets those claustrophobic rooms- the entire life of a woman shrinks to this little space allowed to her by the chauvinistic world. Wherever she turns, there is an admonishing finger. A restricting look... The entire world has turned claustrophobic for her.. Great write! ! ! ! ! Clumpy mascara and tears smeared on cheeks of untold thoughts and fears Tying to keep up- The pitiable situation, where she is treated just as a body; an object and no more. Not a soul to look for some relief. Father, mother, brother, husband, son- everybody ignores her existence; but for, as an object of comfort.. Crimson lips empty eyes Unspoken words- Yes, as you have written earlier, silence is her choice... -Those shallow laughters screaming to be sheltered from the hungry wolves- no doubt, the world has turned into an infernal forest infested with cruel carnivores, ready to pounce upon her and feed on her flesh.. And life has become -A daily struggle- Great write. Exquisite. But equally disturbing... Haunting... A lovely 100++++ Obliged for sharing this beautiful piece. We expect more from you...

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Rajnish Manga 25 September 2017

Through this textual and visual expression, I can figure out a struggler and a rebel- rolled into one -trying to find his or her legitimate place in a hostile world. Your poetry provides so much food for thought. Thanks a lot, Aarzoo ji.

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Nosheen Irfan 28 September 2017

A powerful write with a subtle feminist message. A delight to read. Without being verbose, you have said a lot. The daily struggle in a female's life is immense and you have captured it succinctly but beautifully. How often we see women who are forced by society to be silent. But freedom is a woman's right too and this write gives every woman a voice. A huge 10.

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Muzahidul Reza 30 September 2017

Struggle is not only daily but every moment, great write, thanks for sharing,10

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Rob Lamberton 30 January 2023

"untold thoughts and fears… empty eyes Unspoken words" a lamentable day!

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Nabakishore Dash 11 December 2021

A clear picture of women the world over.Untold thoughts--------unspokenwords.Very nice and heart rending in reality.Excellent short write, but revealing the realities of male chauvinism.Compliments to you Mam from the core of my heart.

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Bharati Nayak 08 December 2021

Clumpy mascara and tears smeared on cheeks of untold thoughts and fears Tying to keep up----A deeply touching write---Tear and agony behind the facade of a beautiful life has been expressed so poignantly.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 07 December 2021

I liked this poignant poem of great substance!

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Edward Kofi Louis 01 October 2017

Tears of love! ! Heartbreak! Trying to keep up. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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