Awake, awake, O my torn fate! Be wise
Why do you fall? Can't you rise?
Hurry up! before the body is buried deep,
Keep thy change that ye must keep.
In the dark, every night, starry dew,
Every day, Sun chirps on my window,
Peck Pearls of my grief, with rays of glow,
Known to many yet perceived by a few,
In the darkest moment of my life,
When tears incessantly flow then
I open the window, find hope, in the peeping sun;
Ah! there is the courage, I play with his fife.
Till there is the sun, shall not dew perish?
Hope and struggle unto future ye must kiss.
you write very nice poem, i read it again and again...lovely one
A lovely sonnet Aftab, I especially like the last verse - a poem of hope.
Being wise is good always and inviting fate to be in life wisely to give fortune is definitely Interesting. This poem awakes reminding rising of sun in life to overcome the darkest moment. Wonderful sharing definitely....10
Thanks to all those who read the poem here on POEM HUNTER.COM..give me pleasure..pleasure of many kinds that is difficult to explain in words thanks you all
A lovely sonnet. till there is a sun shall not dew perish Hope and struggle unto future ye must kiss.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
open the window, there is the sun. meaningful poem Aftab Alam. thanks.