D For Dog Poem by kanav justa

D For Dog

Rating: 4.8

the way oh dear you wiggle your tail
the way you comely sit
i like the way you wet the poles
i like the way you shit

and your charming tongue that’s always out
and ears that point the sky
when I see you next to me
every woe, they just all die

i love the way you dig a hole
i love the way you fall
i love you when you walk like us
i love you when you crawl

i trust you like a rising sun
i love you like a star
i know all words have failed to tell
what a lovely being you are

Sandra Feldman 23 March 2014

I cannot really stat to tell, What a lovely poem this is I have a darling doggie too, That makes me feel, just like you do. Thanks for wrting my feelings for me, I just loved this poem, what a beautiful homage to your doggie! True Love. 10 Bow Wows for you!

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Md Elias Uddin 14 February 2014

nice writing........................................

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Valerie Dohren 15 February 2014

A man's best friend, and they give unconditional love - great tribute to our canine friends.

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Gary H 16 February 2014

This is awesome good work.

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Kavya . 19 February 2014

yes dogs are wonderful living beings.........grateful pets........much wiser than humans..........loved this unique poem

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Bri Edwards 16 March 2017

i'm stealing this for March 2017 showcase. you have no choice! i'm TAKING IT! ! THANKS. BRI :)

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Jasbir Chatterjee 30 January 2016

This is such a lovely way of expressing love for a pet. Thanks for sharing.

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* Sunprincess * 10 October 2014

.........kanav I loved reading this one...it's so nicely written and very heart warming....yes it's a real pleasure to read.....and yes it is true, you do write the best and most beautiful dedications....if I was a dog, I would be your most loyal friend :)

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V P Mahur 29 March 2014

Dear Kanav, Very cute and lovely poem this one. Liked reading it. Thanks Please reply

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Valsa George 27 March 2014

Interesting observations about your dog.... Of all, it is so nice to watch a dog digging a hole! Though simple, this is a sweet poem Kanav! Thanks for your comment on my poem Eagle on Wings!

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