Gathered around a big table, … just look at each other faces
We were thinking about the humanity? For sure not! What were we thinking about?
A person was writing about his own experiences, another was writing about his or her old love,
There was a person who was writing about a broken heart, and the other was writing about the freedom of us
Just those old inner stories from all of us, the blind sentences, the complicated lines, no trace of any simplicity,
Sinking in our weird arts, forgetting the main idea, and continue to write around a crystal table that was strange and tall,
Here we will face with the poets fall!
The feeling of humanity is like a warm day in hell
Humanity is waiting for a simple person to go to the edge of hell and then bell
Poor children in Africa, war for nothing, the corpse of small killed children in Afghanistan…still like to hear about the bombs in Iraq?
Still we write about the love…..
Yeah, a love to orphan children in world, a love to poor families who have no one to care about them, and a love to a talented boy who has nothing to do to be improved himself,
Then we will find the dead body of that talented boy in street because of drug addiction
Still sitting around a crystal table that is strange and tall
We are close to the poetess's fall
Write, but WRITE!
Write about a mother who is working hard to find money for her family
Write about her, which is facing with the flood of hard treating
Write about her silent death...
Again write….write about a father who likes to do lots of things for his family, but he couldn't, write about his damaged soul...
Write about the stupid laughs those the rich nobles gave to poor people
Eyes are locked around a crystal table that is strange and tall,
Sundown of us is near, I mean the poets fall
About people who play with others feeling, about people who have badly feelings
About men who have hidden themselves in a safe haven
About this Global, about this universe, about the crimes,
About the people who are at the death lines,
Don't sit around that crystal and strange table that is tall,
Never wait for the poet's fall!
Show the face of real universe liars, about the noble prize,
For the respect of human killing, please arise! ! ! ! !
The dance of dirty actions down a country,
Near the lakes,
It's more important than the human believes!
A party of powerful men, is more important than the people lives
The life of 72 people is just taken, because of a simple Theory..
Lets stop writing about tiny things, let's take the hands of humanity and humans, let's stand up from that strange table that is tall,
There and then, we can see no sign of Poet's FALL!
Great writing Ellias, corruption is universal, we have to keep our heads up high, keep up the fight.
I don't like long poems. It can be a good rap song. Feeling sympathy behind the words. But you can't do anything to them by poems. It's all.
nice poem, i love it, we hope to see the world with peace and without crime and killig.
Ellias, I feel you are more mature than your age warrants. In this poem, I hear your exhortation to all poets and writers to wield their pen to expose the wicked faces who deceive and cheat their fellow beings, to write something about the need to stop the brutal violence, war, bloodshed etc. A war has to be waged for justice to all humanity! Lofty thoughts expressed in a powerful way! Well done! !
salam! khob.omadam nazaramo begam.mmmm....aval inke mozush ali bud v man az khundane y hamchin sheri vaghean lezzat bordam! gahi in ghaziye mano ham aziat mikone....baziya joori cheshmeshuno ro vagheiyataye jahan mibandan k engar tu inja zendegi nmikonan ya tu donya hich moshkeli fek mikonam be onvan yek ENSAN dar tule omremoon bayad ye baram shode haddeaghal baraye adamai k daran ranj mibaran y kari konim hatta dar hadde y harf....k haminam kheylia nemikonan! ! .....hala farghi nadare k to y shaeri, y naghashi, akkasi, daneshmandi ya siasatmadar....har kas tu hozeye khodesh be onvaneh y ensan in vazifaro dare....................amma..............amma in nemituneh be in mani bashe k hameye shaera bayad dar bareye moshkelat v felakat haye donya sher began in jahat man 100% ba aghaye Nader movafegham.....honar darvagheh boruze ehsasate nakhodagahe....age in nakhodagah darbareye ensaniat nabud nemishe goft mardude! hichvakht nemishe honarmando majbur kard.....sokut kardan khub nist....ghabul.....vali man fek mikonam dar vaghe sher nab ooniye k to az ghabl barash mozu entekhab ho az zehnet berize roo kaghaz....nemishe y shaero majbur kard faghat dar bareye zajre mardom benevise....garche in karborde ejtemaiye honare v kheyliam khoobe....vali man ehsas mikonam shaera gahi latif tar as inan....shaer shayad hamoon kasi bashe k vasat jang dar hali k y goloole tu sinashe ba didane y sanjaghak hameye zeshtiye in jahano tu y lahze faramoosh kone.......hichvaght nabayad ba ehsasat manteghi barkhord mishe ham vazifeye ensinimoono anjam bedim v ham sheraye dige begim...... v albate motmaennan ba in ghaziye movafegham k age y nafar vaghean ba ehsas bashe v vaghean shaer bashe momkan nist az narahatiye digaran narahat nashe...nemishe esmesho gozasht ba ehsas dar haali k faghat be ehsasat shakhsiye khodesh fek mikone....v hatta tu aasare Sohrabam esharate ziadi be ranje mardom shode....masalan ino alan yadame: ....jange naaziha ba saagheye naz.............natijatan be nazare man honar be khodiye khod arzeshmande v age dar rah armanhamoonam estefadash konim onvaght dige moghaddas mishe....v albate inke az hameye ina vaghean behet eftekhaaaaaar mikonam pesar! ! ! ! marekei! ! ! ! ! : D
This is a nicely written poem, showing the poet's concern for humanity and his desire (i guess) to have poets write about the world problems with the hope poets' words will help. i agree with john brown's comment that most ordinary people just want to live and let live. i am a person like that and try to have faith in the leaders of the country (my country, u.s.a.) to do the right thing, whatever that is! i also agree with Feeling sympathy behind the words. But you can't do anything to them by poems. Sina Farajzadeh left that as part of a comment. (8/5/2012 6: 27: 00 AM) i hope no poet is discouraged from writing whatever they feel, especially if it is hoped/believed that it will improve the lives of other people. in my small way i hope my poems improve to some small degree the lives of a few people. just writing my poems improves my own life. thanks, ellias, for sharing. bri :) the crystal table that was strange and tall is creative!
Mark Dillon says it all: Corruption is at the heart of everything evil in this world. As I see it, most ordinary people just want to live and let live, but the greedy ones are never satisfied. Democracy is a shield that 'they' use well for their own ends. Well written Ellias, we should all take note of your words.
facinating.mercy bocu nice topic you have chosen to write about. I agree with you.a poet had better write about the people's woes and the societies problems in a simple way. you konw all of Nietzche's effort was to write all these problems in only 10 words in his book Thus Spoke Zarathustra.May God bless him. But i want to know my friend, is it right to blame the poets because of showig their inner feelings? and why they are not writing about the crimes, global, mothers problems..... I wanna say when all poets write about their inner feelings, thats when we can see no SIGN OF POET'S FALL Some write about these woes like Forogh Farokhzad, and some write about his/her inner feelings like sohrab. Nice work pal.i love it. cheers
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I agree totally with captain cur this is a truly amazing and well written poem. But having said that not every one is in the comfort zone to write of such things. You are a great writer and express your self with words so very well. Better then many people much better then myself