Flower 17 - Raindrops On Flowers Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Flower 17 - Raindrops On Flowers

Rating: 5.0

Raindrops on pink Lotuses,
So divine and spiritual;
Raindrops on red Roses,
So passionate and beautiful;
Raindrops on Hibiscus,
So colourful and ravishing;
Raindrops on wild Blue flowers,
So cute and endearing;
Raindrops on white Jasmine flowers,
So fragrant and mesmerising;
Raindrops on trees and leaves,
So dewy, dainty and flourishing;
Raindrops on my imaginative mind,
So gentle, dreamy and soulful!

A Flower Sonnet

Flower 17 - Raindrops On Flowers
Monday, August 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,flower,flowers,mind,rain
Bill Cantrell 05 August 2019

Beautiful poetry with nature embracing our senses! ! Very smooth and elegant! ! Wonderful poem!

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Julia Luber 05 August 2019

So gentle, dreamy and soulful…….lovely poem celebrating a range of different flowers and how rain enhances various peculiar qualities of them each; creates a sense that this could go on and on, but you close it with how it is your mind the rain enhances the most. Lovely calming beautiful poem.

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Rajnish Manga 05 August 2019

Raindrops on so many lovely flowers have many similarities as well as several unique qualities. With each flower, the adjectives change so as to multiply the magical impact of these bounties of nature. The concluding part of the poem brings about the the real beauty of raindrops which fascinate the human mind. Thanks, Geeta ji.

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Unnikrishnan E S 06 August 2019

Hi Geeta, Flowers and rain are the most loving benevolences God has showered on us. But for water, there would have been no life in the universe. But for flowers, there would have been no colour, no hues, no fragrance in our lives. And no food for the entire founa. And therefore, again, no life. Thank you Geeta for this wonderful poem.

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Aniruddha Pathak 06 August 2019

Raindrops and dewdrops, priceless jewels for those rich in their thanks to nature. A lovely piece.

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Vrinda 05 December 2020

Beautiful poem on raindrops on flowers making them sweet and fresh with its fragrance.

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Indulekha Menon 03 December 2020

Watching raindrops falling on varous flowers us a soulful exoerience adding Beauty to the flowers like hibiscus, lotus, etc.Very creative poem.

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Glen Kappy 07 September 2019

Here in our dry climate the sight of rain beads on flowers—especially at or near dawn—is like a drink to the soul. I relate to this, Geeta. -Glen

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Shruti Verman 16 August 2019

Raindrops, nature's own personal jewels..

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Malabika Ray Choudhury 13 August 2019

Lovely lovely poem! Flowers and raindrops - what can be more enchanting than that! And your mind - creatively alive!

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