I Am A Big Failure Poem by Howard The Motivational Poet Simon

I Am A Big Failure

Rating: 4.9

I failed to think what I should have thought
I failed to do what I should have done
I failed to be what I should have been
I fail to continue in failing

Akhtar Jawad 29 July 2014

These are the common faults of human beings. A lovely write.

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 23 February 2014

Last line makes it positive by failing to fail. Turn failures into success ultimately.

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Stephen W 23 February 2014

Like this, nice irony. And, of course, alliteration.

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Dee Corpolongo 24 February 2014

....such a nice way of letting yourself know that you are not accepting failure! Love how you put this together!

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Nika Mcguin 23 February 2014

This should be the mantra for all of the world's failures; that success is possible if you just fail to continue in failing!

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Luke Hobbs 12 August 2018

Those that succeed at anything are not those who do not fall but those that refuse to stay down. Very concise- I like it!

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Richard Wlodarski 23 May 2018

The measure of one's success is through the mind. And you, motivational poet, makes failures succeed. Thank you for motivating and inspiring. God has bestowed a special gift upon you. And you are sharing it divinely.

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Lyn Paul 28 January 2018

A reminder to us all. We are not failures. We must fall to rise. Thank You

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Nosheen Irfan 22 January 2016

I'm with you in this one. The sense of failure afflicts most of the poets. You convey it well.

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Amitava Sur 16 August 2014

After analyzing the failures nobody further falls, henece you said very rightly.. I fail to continue in failing ... liked it

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