One Candle. Poem by Ann Beard

One Candle.

Rating: 5.0

One candle offers ample light
two candles flicker twice as bright
But if a draft plucks one in spite,
one candle lives to mourn the night.

Roan Jan 2009

Patrick McFarland 01 January 2009

Much said in very few words.10.

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Eddie Larkin 02 January 2009

You can say just as much in three of four lines as in a full-blown poem... and still get the message across.

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Duncan Wyllie 07 January 2009

Poetry is not about being clever, , it's about how we can put our poetry across so that others may benefit from its gift, , , , This poem reveals one such display What an amazing piece Ann, , , Love duncan X

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Brevity has given beauty to this gem

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Simone Inez Harriman 01 December 2015

I felt a little sad reading this poem because it gives such a sharp image of loss. Beautifully written Ann.....10

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Ann Beard 02 December 2015

Thanks again Simone.

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Ency Bearis 13 July 2009

short and meaningful with powerful message...great poem to ponder....10 see my poem ' Always ' and let me see if it will touch your heart too.

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Marilyn Lott 01 July 2009

Very short but special and meaningful. '10! ' Warm Wishes, Marilyn

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Meggie Gultiano 14 January 2009

the message is clear..few words, but strong..Love it

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