Rounds Of Sufferings Poem by kanav justa

Rounds Of Sufferings

Rating: 5.0

in the darkest night
there's a light far far away
that would come to me like a bee comes to a flower or death to a man
and slay the darkness with its brilliance

when i see a highest peak
and i am at the bottom
men may call me grave and weak
like a waning leaf in autumn

still in my face i will harvest a smile
i will let the dreams feed my heart for a while

even the mightiest mountain falls to a willing heart
the light in my eyes shall never depart

when i am sailing in a stormy sea
i won't mourn if i am all alone
i will know the storm shall leave
like pride leaves a human body

or a bee from the flower returns home
and the sad sad flower from the parting mourns

in that storm with valor i would stand
i will trust the fate engraved in the lines of my hand

but one day when i see the sun shining bright on me
and the darkness of my life just a frail enemy

back of my mind i would still know
good times they wither away, and loved ones they go

sun wont shine on me, the same way forever
when autumn arrives, dies even the prettiest flower

sorrows that will be slayed would one day return
bereft of the sunrays, in darkness i will burn

gloom shall come again in a very short time span
like a bee comes to a flower or death to a man

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: suffering
Hazel Durham 27 June 2014

A sense that we all have our season in the sun as we feel the light shining from our souls with youth on our side. But there will be a time when our nearest and dearest are gone and darkness will fall and it will be such a struggle to stand tall. A magnificent unfolding of a life lived and then the slow decline of spirit and strength to the conclusion that our light will eventually flicker and die! I love this thought provoking and superb write! !

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Ruby Mostazir 28 June 2014

when autumn arrives, dies even the prettiest flower....true, nice heart touching lines totally love this :)

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Geetha Jayakumar 28 June 2014

A thought provoking poem once again from your pen. Beautiful flow of words. Facts of life... No sun rays are ever same, Gloominess and happiness take turns in playing, like seasons they keep on changing...........Loved reading each captivating lines...

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Dinesan Madathil 05 July 2014

Perceptions of life vary and the flood and the ebb of our life ever educate us. The saga of life is a perennial one and as we look back a clearer vision might emerge at each stage of our life. Your poem is an insightful reading into the spells of suffering for all of us Kanav.

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Kavya . 07 July 2014

sufferings never stay...they change like seasons change.....nothing is constant.......all these facts are v nicely portrayed in your is a vicious circle and we all are entangled in it, , , , its upto us whether to leave it or live in it happily....... enjoyed thoroughly

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* Sunprincess * 04 March 2015

....I love this poem....wish you would share another poem with me :)

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Valsa George 25 August 2014

Level headed and balanced in the height of joy and the nadir of adversity! This kind of equanimity of mind is what is needed to face life! Joys and sorrows of life are fleeting experiences and the pendulam keeps swinging from one to the other! Great write, Kanav!

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Yash Shinde 24 August 2014

lovely expression...I was delighted after reading your poems after a long lag.....suffering never stays, the moon waxes from nothing to bright like seasons changes, ...a lovely depiction of this transition...

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 23 August 2014

Spring comes and goes Autumn comes and goes Life comes and goes So also sufferings and blessings Permanent is nothing Even great civilisation reduced to ashes And the mighty Sun sometimes feels his gloominess...... great piece from a great poet.........

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 07 August 2014

In autumn dies even the prettiiest flower, wow yes, a winsome impresive metaphors poem. So nice to read u again.

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