Smoking Poem by Steven Pimentel


Rating: 5.0

He smokes, I smoke
then the others is smoking too
what this world is coming to
people dying & livers is too..

why do people smoke?
& why do they get in groups?

Life is getting worst
& the people are getting too..

ten dollars a bag
how the hell is that helping you...

Jacky Dorantes 13 July 2009

It's so true, we do do it in groups. I guess some ppl do it in groups to feel less wrong about it? At least that was the case with me. Love the poem, it's hard cause you get adedicted. I know it was hard for me to stop, but you gotta do what u gotta do, right? Great job.

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Ruth Walters 14 July 2009

Smoking kills you, it's little doses of suicide and it's addictive. Years ago it was fashionable because folk didn't know what it did to them. The only people that benefit from cigarettes are the people that make them and sell them. The rest of us are the fall guys. I've never smoked and never would...give it up if you can... Ruthy

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Eyan Desir 14 July 2009

Well...why do ppl kill...why do ppl steal Life carries all kinds of ppl....some good, some bad Some some are nasty, Well express poem 10s haha

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A T 11 July 2009

well done... well done

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Lola Hi 11 July 2009

nice poem i hope that when others read it realise the danger of smoking.

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Indira Renganathan 31 July 2009

I pray, the smokers' world listens to you....a needy poem...great write

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Omar Ibrahim 24 July 2009

i hope all smokers see this poem! ! ! ! very good idea i liked it....thanks for sharing!

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Kushal Vaishnani 22 July 2009

Your poem is short but impressively succinct.. Ingrained with a nice message. Full 10 Kushal

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Ency Bearis 16 July 2009

a good advocate write against smoking...very good I am with you with this write...a powerful message....10

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Linda Weischedel 15 July 2009

Good job Steven, short and sweet to the core.

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